
I don’t think all undermining should be approached as a negative, or an attack.

This is great because it combines the exhilaration of skydiving or playing in traffic with the barbaric and unnecessary cruelty of a dogfight.

Decision seems largely to be based on this.

After that devastating disclosure, The ENQUIRER set out to acquire DNA samples from Chelsea and Webb

Here is a cat named Huck Finn. He is a therapy cat.

I don’t get why people are so worked up. This is no more or less useful, and no more or less silly, than the Adequate Man articles on how not to be an asshole at a concert or how to kick ass at karaoke: If you’re not interested in the subject as a form of entertainment or (on occasion) a source of useful information,

According to this, the AP Style Guide recommends “died by suicide,” “killed himself,” or “took own life,” and is against the phrasing, “committed suicide.”

Hamilton Nolan?

Haha I may just have an unfairly inflated opinion of the average sports fan. I agree with all of that where the most rabid fans are concerned; that sounds like an accurate depiction of their demographic. I just sort of thought they were a minority in terms of revenue. That they were a loud, vocal and relatively

Unions were originally created to help protect the rights and safety of all workers and to make sure that the employees got a fair deal at the bargaining table.

I don’t think my proposal should be mandatory for all unions; I’d just like to see it as an option for some organizations to opt into, and I’ve never heard of anyone trying it. Purely a PR move, given that I don’t think it would affect most non-celebrity employees. It’d just be a public level of accountability to

Unionization as it’s currently known made total sense in the early 20th century. The world’s changed a bit since then.

Again...this would not be a widely used mechanism.

Yeah, basically. I wish unions were different from what they are. I thought I specified criminality as a requirement for banishment...I meant to, at least. But I didn’t. My bad.

My problem isn’t with the NFLPA. It’s with organized labor generally. I’m not saying Unions ought to have a character clause that automatically kicks out anyone convicted of a crime in their personal life.

I’m pro-organized labor because it makes the best of a bad situation, but I do wish unions functioned more like a company and less like an attorney / paid advocate.

Well, he/she says he/she worked for the campaign seven years ago. The slip-up with the reporter just recently happened. So it’d make sense to say, “I worked there seven years ago, I just slipped up, and now this person is running again and I don’t know what to do....”

What about 2016?

Yeah, at first I thought you’d have to limit it to Clinton, a handful of Republicans from their presidential clown car, and any remotely big name (or even a small name in a swing district) from the US House of Representatives.