This is creepy as shit and I'm not defending it...
This is creepy as shit and I'm not defending it...
...I have a sinking feeling that I know what happened here...
I mean, come on. They love the Hawks.
Ditto. Bart Simpson said it all the time. I just thought it meant "fuck off" or "go fuck yourself."
"Sounds like you got a real chip on your shoulder. Sounds like you might want a chance to prove yourself and maybe win a ring. Sounds like a team-favorable incentive-laden 1-year-deal might be just the ticket."
You forgot weed. Weed and/or anti-anxiety medication.
On the plus side, a Hamilton suspension would likely be great for his wife's burgeoning reality TV career.
For anyone with a RadioShack should go. Today. Well, maybe call first to confirm that it's one of the ones shutting down.
For anyone with a RadioShack should go. Today. Well, maybe call first to confirm that it's one of the…
Right, but...the Green Goblin's "she was dead before your webbing reached her" makes no sense at all. And like, why would he even assume that?
Oh, I dunno. If he kept his nose clean he'd have fewer issues.
Who is able to comment is Dallas Cowboys Alumn, [redacted]. Please call me to schedule an interview at [redacted]. Thanks! - Molly
When I first read this article, I thought it said "Taint of Slut."
Whenever some asshole is blasting music on the bus or subway, I want to saddle up nearby and counter with my own music. I resist the urge because I think I'm the one who'd come away looking like the bigger asshole.
"Her eyes look like they might be open and she's not screaming, 'No, this is not consensual. For any district attorneys who may be listening, please be advised: THIS IS NOT CONSENSUAL.' So it's open to interpretation. I just don't think I can get a conviction based on such flimsy evidence, and I wouldn't want to put…
Worth a full read. One of the few non-fiction sciency / pop-psychy books I've made it all the way through in the last few years. (Most of the others got boring or repetitive, I thought...)
Very well said. I also worry that at this point it's just stuck too far in the realm of the theoretical, mostly because our understanding of the relationship between genetics and behavior is still relatively underdeveloped. And when we're just talking about tracking personality traits and temperaments across various…
Oh, I dunno. I feel like there might be a market for a virulently anti-MRI evolutionary psychology writer. Bit of a niche, though.
I self-loathe with the best of them; I was the oft-mocked and reviled "nice guy" on a number of occasions when I was young and depressed, and I hated myself for it even while I felt powerless to make it stop. Not sexually aggressive, mind you...I just ended a few friendships in bad, embarrassing, deeply regrettable…
I'm a huge fan of Julian Jaynes' Theory of bicameralism because he at least made an attempt to look way back in a scientific manner.