
Well, he's not wrong. It's an unforced error to say that out loud, and he shouldn't have brought Taylor Swift into this...but she's running a campaign based on her smilin', hog castratin', folksy Iowa niceness.

I love candy corn. Especially a few weeks after Halloween when it's just a little bit stale.

Anyone else read this and get the distinct impression the rental car employee was trying to make a bad joke, then got awkward when it didn't come close to landing?

She's trying to prove a bigger point: That you can't and shouldn't treat returning healthcare workers like shit just because you're a-scared, partly because it's just morally wrong and mostly because it'll make the epidemic in Africa that much worse.

I was mostly referring to just other random dudes in general, not guys with their friends/girlfriends. Because again...never seen it when I'm out by myself or among crowds and I wasn't sure why.

Well, that makes me feel simultaneously better and worse. At least that means I may not be overlooking shit I shouldn't be. On the other hand, not a whole lot I can do about something I can't see, which is irritating.

Replying to you because I am also from Boston...

Anyone have any experience with Seiki?

Anyone have any experience with Seiki?

Yeah, I'm aware of that. Mostly this is just example no. 1823747236 of outright panic being an entirely irrational, counterproductive response with no basis in reality. And agreed completely w/r to the flu...I just didn't really elaborate much.

I had trouble walking around Beijing the last time I was there, and that was during an extended factory shutdown (maybe a slowdown?) around the city. Supposedly the best weather in terms of pollution that they'd had all year. Cannot imagine what it must have been like running in this...god damn.

All fair points. As for the 150 people per day flying here, isn't it likely to be more than that if we account for people who've stopped for 1-3 weeks in other countries? My understanding was that this is the main reason a travel ban would be ineffective and potentially counterproductive. If you want people to start

If you've left the country, there's a record of it. If you haven't, then you don't have Ebola.

"If you had the information of were each person had been in the last 3 weeks, of course that would change everything. But, you would have to ask for that, right?"

Ebola is currently impacting groups who have either been in a specific geographic location within the last 2-3 weeks, or who have been exposed to blood, sweat, vomit, etc.

Except the rate of infection in this country is still effectively zero. One person got in. He infected a couple of healthcare workers. That's it. IMHO that's actually pretty damn impressive.

You're dumb.

If some airlines want to start actively screening anyone who seems ill from their flights, that'd be fine by me. That might even be a sound business decision.

Thomas Duncan had literally just left an affected country. This woman was last in Nigeria months ago. Her travel records / passport would have been easy to look up.


Of course not! Flu shots, like all vaccinations, are nothing but Big Pharma scams and Obama plots to give your children autism. I thought everyone knew that.