
"With that being said, I hope she gets better and has to get a normal job now that her face is messed up."

You're probably right. Though I assume there will be a smattering of something like, "Well, sure, she's a porn star, BUT HE IS ALSO A PORN STAR, so we probably shouldn't hold that against her."

You're one of those people who struggles to interpret "tone" and "inflection" in other peoples' voices, huh?

Ban image / gif posts for the time being. Look into some sort of automated filter before re-enabling with a delay; I'm not a software engineer but I would think there may be a way to filter out at least some of the filth via automated image analysis. It wouldn't be perfect, and it would make mistakes from time to

I don't understand this. Ray Rice isn't that big a name. He's not that important a player. He's coming off a mediocre season and not expected to rebound in any significant way.

This is like the Rorschach test of logos.

This is like the 3rd or 4th time you've posted this. You sure do feel strongly about how sometimes bitches just have it coming.

I actually get his point, though it's a really fucking stupid one. The problem is not as much the message as the context in which it's delivered, and (especially) the fact that he only directs his "advice" towards women.

That'd be great. You get right on it with your local Congressman.

Never said Christianity or any other religion haven't been used to achieve great things. Actually hate the whole "religion sucks we should ban it hurrr duuurrrrr" crap you usually end up seeing on any story like this, or especially anything involving the Middle East.

To be fair, watching anything with Lena Dunham at your side does sound pretty fucking awful.

"They shouldn't be vilified for being uncomfortable. They should be judged for how they respect people despite their differences."

OK, I'll bite. In the 1950's, self-described devout Christians used their faith to justify their bigotry towards African-Americans. They did the same to previously justify slavery, and to deny all manner of equal rights for women.

"If you ignore all of the "trying to deny people equality stuff," I think the most offensive part is how little creativity people have in their arguments in favor of bigotry."

We sure those are shill accounts and not just really stupid people with too much time on their hands?

I'm surprised that they don't take a page out of China's propaganda playbook and just flood the board with fake pro-Russian comments.

Here's the link:

99% sure this is just Kremlin propaganda - just look at the source - but if nothing else, we may be seeing Russia's first attempts at spin.

That's what I expected. One of those things that happens when laymen are covering a disaster that seems to defy common sense in some way.

"If the airspace was indeed closed then what was MH17 doing there?"