
Ban sports talk radio.

This is a great piece and I have no specific answers or criticisms. But I will point out one thing: The top global economies on the planet - and I realize this fails to take into consideration population size, density, and innumerable other factors - are the USA, China, and Japan. The three most batshit-insane,

Have seen speculation about Messi being, if not an autistic soccer savant, something pretty damned close to it. So much of it is badly translated foreign press...but it would mesh pretty well with the bland public persona.

Nailed it.

If Columbia or Costa Rica win it all, you ought to come back to gloat. But until the end of the tourney, there's not much in this piece to quibble with.

Yes, making an accurate and objective prediction regarding your team's chances is exactly the same as actively rooting against them. One most be slavishly and blindly devoted to one's team and their chances in order to qualify as a "real fan."

If he hasn't, I think Mr. Ley ought to elaborate on that tweet.

Yes, there is a difference. And I agree, the law ought to be adjusted somewhat to assign a different penalty to teens who break it than to adults who take advantage of kids.

Uhh...you're going to want to rethink that. I don't believe sex between consenting 17 and 15 year olds, which would and should be legal, ought to be legal to film...

Not that it matters much, but the defense attorney is a woman.

That is a great point that I had never considered but makes absolutely perfect sense. The economic, cultural and social benefits are virtually incalculable.

"Freedom." Insidious fucking myth, that.

Why not?

At least actors and sports figures offer a tangible service that others undeniably can't match. Well, maybe not actors...but athletes, absolutely.

Thing of it is, James acknowledged in Deadspin's excerpts that the vast majority of companies would be unable to skirt the rule via independent contractors.

Thinly veiled contempt + a full adult diaper = This smirk.

FWIW, the Metro version of this story is totally wrong. My wife is Chinese and showed me the local reports / social media reaction a few days ago. I don't know how the Metro screwed this up so badly, but there was absolutely nothing in the local coverage to suggest that a man was upset that a woman "spurned his

"I find it amusing that baseball players are some of the biggest meatheads on Earth, yet police each other's manners like Emily Post at a fingerbowl party."

Yeah, it would.

Yes, I know there are. And if you have anything written by a father describing it vis a vis his relationship and feelings towards his daughter, given that this is the subject he chose to expound upon, I would be very interested in hearing it.