My first shop contest entry:
My first shop contest entry:
This is absolutely appalling. We need to stand up for bike rights and protection services. Bikes are humans too.
I'm guessing it's not possible that these fixes will end up on the launch discs. They'll be part of the day 1 patch.
Crimea's Attorney General is the Female Titan.
CVS told a pregnant pharmacist I know if she went into labor on her shift she had to work until a replacement came.
Maybe it's the upcoming PC version?
It's like the birds and the bees of Dark Souls.
Is this not classifiable as cruel and unusual punishment?
why would they tease us like that
It's not insanely difficult. Dark Souls is a fair game, you just need to learn to play games differently than you've probably ever done it before.
I also have some great stills from ATV destroying Dragonite:
I can't really handle the voiceover on this one. The guy has very poor delivery and rhythm for the jokes.
I understand some disappointment in basically being forced into it, but I don't see why you'd get a PS4 and -not- get PS Plus+.
I don't think more is required to be said.
great news for the console gamers, now they can run the game at ultra settings and have shorter load screens. on the other hand the PC gamers will continue to run the game at settings higher than ultra thanks to mods and have instantaneous load screens. oh! and did I mention all of the other crazy stuff that the PC…
Were those Xbones sold to customer or just to retailers? Last time I was at Best Buy, there was a big stack of a hundred or so and I'm wondering how those count.
And what would you prefer Hyun and others do? Work a meaningless 9 to 5 for companies who don't give a crap about its workers, like the majority of us? Please...enlighten us on what constitutes a "real" job.
E-sports is not much different from pro athletes making money from throwing/catching/hitting/kicking a ball for…
People earning living wages in gaming is a bad thing to you? :c