I assume it's a "rough estimate" type deal. Also a lot of the character model is lighting.
I get that part, that's easy. the issue is that each piece of armor fits in to 1 of like 10 classes of armor. Chest armor has, in my example, 10 variations per class that is treated differently by a shader than another piece of armor. It's not like shaders are uniform for all warlocks,etc.
I'm still not sure if Lego Movie 2: Electric Bugaloo can live up to the first one. But I see where you're coming from
I can't tell if you liked KFP 2 or not...
When were they making a MC movie?
Pretty sure there's an algorithm to it AND there are only so many armor variations amongst the classes until you hit Exotic gear
I was using double banshee and one of the royal ones (Purple and blue/green) but I always check all of my shaders every time I get some new armor. Just to check them out. Achilles won this time
this is an amazing little site. Not even sure how it works since it's not like each shader applies itself the same way across all armor pieces.
but they're the ones who eat that shit up.
"Because it makes too much money not to"
A giant trained cat...
It's in a new engine that's getting components swapped out right now. Which is why many bugs still remain
you might not've liked Gears 3, but it wasn't BAD. It had some of the best Multiplayer of the series and Beast/Horde Mode was amazing
John usually does his own thing. He doesn't seem to pull punches regardless of his target...
God damn, some people can't accept that it's an Alpha and is prone to these kinds of bugs.
DayZ is taking a more official approach to it. Other early access is basically "fix bugs and add content" which isn't really how dev works, it's the other way around.
Alpha - adding content, fixing game-breaking bugs.
if you look at it as it is, then it's damn fine. People look at it like the mod was so great and it really wasn't...