The thing is... DayZ is fun as shit. I pull 3 hour stints at a time on it. 2-3 days a week
The thing is... DayZ is fun as shit. I pull 3 hour stints at a time on it. 2-3 days a week
Attorneys General just feels right to say...
"Little light" is a good nickname, although I prefer Dinklebot
He had the filter in Beta.
Every time Peter Dinklage reads a line in a way that indicates he has no idea what the words he's speaking are supposed to mean, take a drink. Warning: Only play this game if you've had something to eat first.
To the broad population of gamers there are a lot of compelling titles.
I planned my expenses through December in prep for this.
I picked up the Xbox One Bundle yesterday. Not a bad deal. In-store, Walmart will give you a $60 gift card instead of just a game, so I took advantage of it. No other games catch my fancy (I already own destiny on PS4).
servers are totes up bro.
Destiny (not exclusive but cmon, it looks soo much better on current-gen), PvZ (which is surprisingly good), halo MCC hits in november, sunset overdrive.
I'm trying to get amazon to lump me in with their sunset overdrive bundle and get this promo applied. But it looks like that won't happen. So now I'm going for it.
The real question is... should I cancel my Sunset overdrive bundle and cash in on this, or just let it sit?
it's our right now... next gen is ps5 and the xbox 2
PS4 for consoles is current-gen.
it'll be in favor of last-gens. no doubt. There's just a MASSIVE install base to get over
I was using a simple analogy that most people will understand. That's all.
I'm glad people are referring to it as last-gen now. I was tired of being corrected in conversation "PS4 is next gen man".
I think I broke every multiplayer map in Halo. I got out of all of them somehow
I bought this one, figured I could use some extra buttons for my recordings and such
This is tempting. The Razer one the other week was tempting as well but this offers a few more buttons and it won't clash with my current straight red lighting I've got going.