
Stable received 64 bit servers I believe which would probably help.

updates to the main branch come out almost monthly. Like, pretty steadily.

updates are like once a month to the stable branch and almost weekly to the test branch...

DayZ standalone is in alpha and is pretty playable and enjoyable.

They're the worst because it was inevitable but the insisted that it wasn't happening.

I'm a day 1 kind of guy. if they gave me options I'd buy it on my platform of choice and be done with it. If it comes out later because "Fuck you, that's why" then I just pirate it and move on.

that's not what I said at all. Although I see how it could be misconstrued, MS is allowed to release halo on only the bone, good for them.

that's exactly my point. I'm tired of this game they play where they say 1 thing, but we all know that the exact opposite is going to happen.

I don't think that's fair. Halo was announced as an xbone exclusive and nobody batted an eye, it's payed for and published by MS. Square Enix releases tomb raider on every console previously, and then suddenly is bone exclusive. It's kind of bullshit.

KH 3 will be on xbone as well, either way you wouldn't miss it.

the thing with it being a timed exclusive, if it is a timed exclusive is that they're explicitly saying "No, there aren't plans for a PC version" but then BAM 6 months later it's on PC.

Oh god... I hope this isn't someone trying to be serious. It sounds like rudimentary english at best and it's impossibly misspelled.

I'm tired of this "Exclusive, but we'll probably release it on PC later" game. It's such a waste of my energy.

Shit, that's right. I got them confused Sorry.

It's made by neversoft, and it shares a lot of skating-type gameplay. So I figured it'd be fitting.

I've been holding out for a decent bundle and Tony Hawks Pro Shooter seems like a decent title.

He was so broken up about it, I felt that.

too bad ea doesn't listen. Imagine Project Reality for BF4. gawd.

Third party content match isn't that bad though, It's just annoying but doesn't hurt you.

about what?