I could've sworn that the latest crystal cove rift prototype (Dev kit 2) runs at 1920x1080
I could've sworn that the latest crystal cove rift prototype (Dev kit 2) runs at 1920x1080
Trying to emulate n64 controls is the hardest amongst these due to the unique controller design and layout. I can easily fake EVERYTHING else except the n64. I may need to pick up one of these
That's the most evil thing I've ever heard.
Kmart does this too, although it's not one solid piece. 1 regular receipt plus 6 coupon sized pieces. os much wasted paper
but someone proved it was playable without the internet, and I think someone modded it within the first week.
Do an episode mike. just make it something worthwhile (something you are really excited to talk about)
I'm betting the PC version is MUCH closer to the demos we saw.
I can't speak for him, but I'm a PC gamer who buys my games on steam sales mostly and picks up some of the larger titles on release (Dark Souls 2).
I'm with you there. If I can find it for 30-40 dollars on PC I'll buy it ASAP and knowing origin it'll hit that price for no reason sometime soon on a sale or something
You're cool. High five
There's a small youth audience in the PC crowd. I don't like it, but it's true. Parents (usually, not always) just throw cash at their kids and buy them some pre-built rig and let them loose on the golden race.
That's basic Dark Souls stuff. A good player will always block at the VERY last second, or at least when their stamina is full.
The guy in this video had a decent point though, they're just words and it's part of the trash-talking experience.
I cried when they announced it. I cried. For KH3, i wouldn't forget it, obviously but games like Destiny where I'm excited and know it'll be a quality product (it's bungie, seriousy) I would rather pay for it and be done with it.
true, if I preorder something incredibly early it's because I like the peace of mind that comes with "set it and forget it". already paid for it, it'll show up on my doorstep and I don't have to even think about it for a while.
My Estimated release date: 2072. My grandchildren will know my joy.
Even without a release date, some people just like to set aside those funds so they don't have to plan around it later (15 years later probably).
there's a lot of crossover between the physicals and Downloadables. I heard good things about Strider
Why is that? Square enix has done nothing but good things with Kingdom Hearts in the past and they've always been pretty solid. The ESRB rating doesn't mean anything especially for a game that was rated E10+.
placeholder date that someone forgot to update.