
Top ten lists are all there are right now. there isn't much to go on.

It wouldn't be generic reply dialogue it would go in this order

That is some impressive dodging. I give you credit.

Fast bosses are my weakness. I can take the slow lumbering ones, but the fast ones always outwit me. Not due to a slow reaction time, just the fact that they become overwhelming and tiresome.

that guy looks fun to fight. Almost like Artorias

Glad to see it's still good. Definitely buying it Day 1 on PC.


Budokai 3 (ps2) is probably the best "classic" dbz fighting game out there. It's easily emulated on a PC. It's not exactly 2d, graphics are 3d but the fighting is on a 2d plane that players can rotate through

I'm gonna pick Krillin next time I play Budokai 3. Knowing my buddy he'll pick Vegeta like always. SS2 vegeta isn't a thing to be trifled with.

Shit, tien is damn strong too. He held Stage 2 Cell for a while there but would've gotten stomped in hand to hand.

he got to bang the hot blonde android...

Technicalities. I meant it more as a "If earth was left alone" situation where it was just humans. Still he would've gotten stomped by Piccolo in the early days. Krillin at the end of the series was more powerful than piccolo at the start.

Krillin is actually the strongest human being (every one else is saiyan/half saiyan).

I don't understand your argument here. DX 12 will make playing games harder? Fuck, that's news to me.

Gearbox's track record is spotty but it's also equally kickass.

Yet still no Dark Souls 2 release date for PC.

There's no real reason for them not to. Yeah the reddit servers would get raped but AMA's are just threads. I don't think It'd detriment either AMA for them to run simultaneously.

I find it to be deeply interesting to see the culture that surrounds it. No I don't watch it for 6 hours at a stretch but I check in occasionally and it's a worthwhile thing to keep up on, like sports for some other people

I'm finding it to be a little more exciting than the start of Gen 1 due to the robustness of the second generation games (Lazorgator with his leering eyes would never happen in Gen 1)

We call him Lazorgator