
No, still like wannabe MMOs. 

A Short Hike.

I have definitely been burning through some indie titles I’ve been meaning to play now. The ability to buy them online, their shorter play length allowing for not getting burned out by one game and the new experiences has definitely been helping. Not to mention there’s a lot of fantastic ones I have on my switch wish

I had a brain fart thinking I was buying Cadence of Hyrule... ended up with Crypt of the Necrodancer for like $4.

Holy moley, that game is great. Obviouly from the same dev or what not but if $25 bones for zelda is too much, check out the other title from the dev.

I highly recommend Coffee Talk. It’s a bit short, but enjoyed every minute on it. I treated it like reading a visual novel, while playing a game on the side, and it was very soothing. Hopefully they’ll come up with a sequel.

Rian Johnson’s imperfect but often spectacular and genuinely daring The Last Jedi. [snip] Watching The Rise Of Skywalker, you realize that J.J. has...made what feels sometimes like a glorified apology for his successor’s choices.

It’s OK” seems to be the consensus.

All human relationships require work, and the people who don’t recognise that are probably letting other people do most of it.

It’s part of growing up man. 

we all must learn to like new things, for stagnation rots the brain.

How do you know one of the new Pokemon won’t become a favorite though? You’re throwing out an entire game because one Pokemon isn’t in it?

asdkfjdk my GOD woman, get your head out of your ass. Sarah, you write shitty teen romance YA, you’re not out here writing the next Booker Prize novel. Of course a college junior, who is presumably in her twenties and you know, at university to challenge herself academically, wants to read something with more

There is an aspect to all of this that hasn’t gotten enough attention: what is meant by punishment, and what is meant by redemption?

Just stay away from teachers, especially male spiritual teachers. They are all a bunch of sleazy horndogs in the end..especially the Tibetan schools, but pretty much all of them. The stories I have would curl your hair.
My first Lama, from 24 years ago is still running his little dog and pony show, despite suicides,

“Enough men have done enough vile, abusive things that fall short of outright sexual crime that we need a way to figure out if they can seek, and gain, redemption and continue to contribute to society,

Yang, Williamson and Gabbard are a pox on this Democratic primary.

No, it really should not.  All it did was subvert a trope, without anything to say on the matter.  And for anyone who actually paid attention when watching it the subversion is evident in just the first few episodes when certain rules are explained and it’s quite obvious a debt would accumulate.

Exactly. Evangelion is a meandering, slog of pointless dialogue and dead end plot points intermixed with a few interesting mech fights. The ending makes very little sense and the entire time you just want to slap the s*** out of the main character. At the same time, it’s an interesting and important view into

I watched it twice. It’s OK if people like it, but objectively, the end especially is less of a story than in-universe character analysis. It’s literally “tell, not show” and while it may be really exciting for people who don’t normally critique art, for me, it’s “You’re basically trying to anticipate my reactions and

I first saw Evangelion in college. It was alright, but aside from the amped up stakes of the story and recognizing many of the psychological concepts from modern literature and the Xeno- series, it wasn’t a special experience.