
Wimbledon is full of up-tighty whities.

You don’t have to be rich to not pay your taxes. Shit, you can be broke and do that. Rich guys comes up with reasons why they don’t owe the taxes in the first place. But that doesn’t seem to be what’s going on here.

Dude’s unelectable. I mean, have you seen how he treats women and foreigners who come here looking for work?

Careers and seasons.

Wimbledon is full of uptighty whities.

Draymond has some ideas about how to handle that flea problem.

In a row?

I pass out on the ground. I go under the rope with my head hanging off into the marina.

There’s no room for luke-warm thoughtful takes here.

My Internets allow me to give only one star to this. God speed with it.

In his defense, Christie’s ass doesn’t fit in a car.

If these allegations are true, they’re really going to throw the [chair] at Bobby.

Fisher was never any good at working with quarterbacks in the pocket either.

That or institutional indifference to child rape.

Given the level of thought and creativity that went into his plan, it’s clear that this attack on the Left goes all the way to the White House!

Bosh’s career may not necessarily be over, but it almost certainly is. He just doesn’t have the vertical to get back in the game. I mean, at his age it’s hard enough to have to shoot hoops, let alone to have to jump through them.

“Thin” isn’t a word I’d used to describe anything in Ohio.

Agreed. It’s sullying Waco’s good name.

I’m reading his Tweets real-time, so I guess you can say I’m also watching a predator at work.

The Rockets are weaponizing. It’s time to send in Rodman.