
I can’t tell you why people use LBJ, but I can tell you that I’m going to start using DMC if only so I can shout Run DMC! at the TV.

In Game 2, Stevens will try a new strategy of putting Thomas on Crowder. I mean literally. Isaiah Thomas will sit on Jae Crowder’s shoulders. That’s his best shot at stopping LBJ.

After the guilty plea, the guard and prosecutor both did a subtle fist pump.

Schilling continued, “No one ever yelled the N-word at me, so I have no reason to believe someone yelled it at Adam.”

This is good, because it’ll be a while before Sixers fans get to celebrate another ring.

The swollen brain would explain his big head.

He stopped short? That’s my move!!

I won’t sit idly by while you besmirch Jeter’s legacy... I’ll gleefully clap and hop around like a fat kid watching his favorite candy store open!

That’s what I love about those McConaughey jokes. I get older, and they stay funny.

I know how he feels; the FBI did the same thing to me.

I think you mean less-methed.

And here I thought Mahomes was the gunslinger...

He’s too young. He’ll flame out like Freddy Adu.

Reporter: President Pop, what are your thoughts about the war on terror?

Thats what I thought.

Oh stop. How much do cheerleaders contribute to the NFL’s bottom line? Some teams don’t even have them. The vast majority of cheerleaders do it as a side gig for the fun. Anecdotally, the two NFL cheerleaders I’ve known were both - wait for it - lawyers. That’s atypical, but you get the point

Hey Huck, how much would those cheerleaders have gotten without three years of work/risk by the attorneys?

Are we seeing the beginning of the end of Metropolitan Matt Harvey?

I use the term gentleman loosely, like your mom.

Monty Python provided the definitive answer to that question years ago. NSFW