ay mamacita

I used to get Montana and North Dakota confused, what’s my excuse?

He’s not wrong about Biden though. Ugh.

Certain states are getting preferential treatment far beyond their current needs when it comes to requests for funding, PPE and essential equipment, so yes.

Been pretty much playing in a loop in my head ever since seeing the pictures of the spring breakers down in Florida last week (though if I am not mistaken the song is about humans trashing the planet).

Lol good one!

Take heart, Nico, your little cousin may have just dodged a bullet, no pun or irony intended.

My sister’s college roommate (who now has a family with young-ish children) lives in Lynchburg proper and is freaking the fuck out right now.

Dude links half a dozen Daily MFail pieces per day and can’t conduct a Google search? Checks out.

You seem nice.

Eat shit.

This virus isn’t fucking around and couldn’t care less about one’s political or religious beliefs. If you can sit your ass down at home, please do. The alternative is worse, for yourself or others who may be at heightened risk. I hate like hell to be the hall-monitor person, but shit’s about to get real in a way most

What a good little borb.

Seek professional help.

No, no grandkids sadly. Which is too bad because he’s a “kid person.” He does listen to my mother-in-law more than he lets on so there’s that.

My father-in-law’s firm builds, maintains and repairs generators making his work essential and 60% of his clients are *hospitals*. He smokes two packs of Marlboros a day in his 70s, his own mother died of lung cancer in 2003 and he almost certainly has COPD but stubborn bastard refuses to get an official diagnosis. He

I was thinking along the same lines. It must be terribly confusing, especially for those in cognitive decline.

It is so anxiety-inducing; while my mom’s in great health and fitness at 76 despite being a cancer survivor, my 82-year-old dad has mobility issues due to multiple back surgeries (he didn’t stop training and running marathons in his 40s when his doctor strongly recommended it) and he just recently had a pacemaker