Meanwhile, he’s richer than all of us.
Meanwhile, he’s richer than all of us.
When she does anything and enjoys herself, people accuse her of pandering. Brooks can go fuck himself. (I know, the latter sentence is brilliant analysis)
I am very concerned about the wage gap which clearly exists between me and Jennifer Lawrence.
I don’t get it. I just really don’t. I voted for Bernie. I hyped him up as much as I could to everyone who’d listen. I donated. I love the progressive politics.
OMG, can this just be over? I’m so exhausted by this and we haven’t even moved into the actual election part of it. My fellow Bernie supporters have taken away any interest or enthusiasm I once had. I don’t care who the Dem nominee is anymore, I really don’t. It could be a moldy sack of grapefruits and I will still…
“Who are you talking to?” and older woman’s voice shouted worriedly from the background.
Bobby finger looks like Ryan Gosling with AIDS
Fuck you!
I actually am a Target reseller, I do it to make extra money during school. I don’t think I’m a bad person. I get up insanely early to be one of the first people in line, I only buy one of each item, and then I sell them on Ebay at a 25% mark-up, which I think is pretty fair for the convenience of not having to battle…
My problem with things like this is always the questions: “Who is the target of your message here?”
If he asked for 100 women and their cats he could have gotten them all from Jezebel.
I voted for him in the primary, but now will support Clinton. I agree the majority will support her too, but I’d just hate to see a Trump presidency. Not taking any chances.
Some of his supporters. And not a majority of them either. My best friends are Sanders supporters and they realize the danger of Trump just fine. Bernie would make an excellent Secretary of Labor (and give him lattitude to push for a nationwide $15 minimum if he can do it). I used to think maybe Treasury Secretary,…
Oh I’m aware! Bernie isn’t the issue. Bernie’s supporters who would rather pout and stay home than vote against Dump are the problem.
Bernie has already said “Yes, we do agree on a number of issues, and by the way, on her worst day, Hillary Clinton will be an infinitely better candidate and president than the Republican candidate on his best day”, so hopefully he’ll keep saying that.
Americans should also make it easier to vote so we can vote for more women and more people of color for state legislatures and Congress.
What I'd like to see is a Secretary of the Interior who's a Native American (I'd ideally like to see a Native American President, but baby steps), a Muslim Secretary of State, and a Secretary of Defense of Arab descent.
Starting with Rachel Maddow. She'd make an awesome press secretary.