
Meanwhile, he’s richer than all of us.

When she does anything and enjoys herself, people accuse her of pandering. Brooks can go fuck himself. (I know, the latter sentence is brilliant analysis)

If one is relying upon Facebook as a news source, they deserve whatever shit is fed them.

Who the fuck cares? Install Facebook Adblock and block all of that garbage out.

You realize Facebook isn’t a government agency, right?

So when will the government look into those “fair and balanced” claims on Fox News? C’mon.

Facebook can prohibit whatever their shareholders want them to prohibit. Is them not allowing nudity censorship? No.

No, it’s not censorship. Censorship is control over someone else’s speech. They’re not limiting right-wing posts on the page. This is a portion of the page they control, they can post whatever they damn well like, and if you disagree you can go read a different social network. Pretty much like a newspaper deciding

Oh, for fucks sake. Keeping right wing bullshit off of your news feed isn’t censorship. Just because a bunch of assholes think their fake outrage of the day is news doesn’t make it so. Just because one side throws more bullshit at the wall just to see what sticks doesn’t mean you should give it equal time. They bitch

I am very concerned about the wage gap which clearly exists between me and Jennifer Lawrence.

I don’t get it. I just really don’t. I voted for Bernie. I hyped him up as much as I could to everyone who’d listen. I donated. I love the progressive politics.

OMG, can this just be over? I’m so exhausted by this and we haven’t even moved into the actual election part of it. My fellow Bernie supporters have taken away any interest or enthusiasm I once had. I don’t care who the Dem nominee is anymore, I really don’t. It could be a moldy sack of grapefruits and I will still

“Who are you talking to?” and older woman’s voice shouted worriedly from the background.

Bobby finger looks like Ryan Gosling with AIDS

Fuck you!

I actually am a Target reseller, I do it to make extra money during school. I don’t think I’m a bad person. I get up insanely early to be one of the first people in line, I only buy one of each item, and then I sell them on Ebay at a 25% mark-up, which I think is pretty fair for the convenience of not having to battle

My problem with things like this is always the questions: “Who is the target of your message here?”

If he asked for 100 women and their cats he could have gotten them all from Jezebel.

Wouldn’t freedom of the press include what you allow on your own website?

As a corporation, can’t Facebook kind of do whatever it wants with news stories on its site? Fox news gets away with this every fucking minute.