Oswald is kinda of like a white-guy Richard Pryor to me. He’s really honest about his own personal failings, and really funny about them, and I think that makes us feel closer to him.
Oswald is kinda of like a white-guy Richard Pryor to me. He’s really honest about his own personal failings, and really funny about them, and I think that makes us feel closer to him.
Can they just fire him at this point? I don’t know if it’s pride getting in the way, but he’s been daring it for months, maybe even years, now. There’s no way he forgot about ESPN giving Caitlyn Jenner an award last summer.
Has there ever been a single case of a transgender person attempting to molest a child in a restroom? I’d be more worried about my kids spending time alone with a Republican wrestling coach.
This is me, except that I have a strong preference for Bernie over Hillary. However, if Hillary wins the primary (and surely she will), I am absolutely casting my ballot for her. I’m not saying that Hillary is a rabid porcupine, but I am saying that I would vote for a rabid porcupine with glee before I would opt out…
Elizabeth Warren is the president i want
1) This dumb election has made every single politically minded person lose their minds and I can’t wait until it’s over
They come from a long tradition of brutal exploitation, so many people do not trust this new raison d’etre.
Fuck zoos.
Me too! But stressing me out at the same time because the one year my vote might actually count I'm actually pretty undecided between the Dem candidates! Sigh.
Talk about damnation through faint praise. I’d go so far as to say that not only are they not garbage monsters, both are experienced and capable operators who want to promote equality and prosperity and social justice, even if they disagree on economic justice issues. And, one of them is going to be the next president…
Argument over a $500 deductible and a higher insurance rate=pull out a gun and shoot someone to death and wound his wife. Jesus Christ. So fucking sad...
This is really messed up. I'm on the corner where it happened. People are saying it was a fender bender that got heated. I was here when they took his wife away on a stretcher. She was yelling for Will. Really tragic.
Wow. Obviously I know NASCAR is a southern thing but still surprised that such a shamelessly corporate entity would hold prayers, let alone by that fucking guy.
Against getting caught.
It’s very telling that Neo Nazis and racists are supporters of the Gamergate agenda.
I confess, I never totally gave up the fanny pack. They’re perfect for things like Disneyland where I don’t want to tote my fucking purse around all day.
One of my good friends said she was looking for a designer fanny pack like 2 years ago. I was like, no, thanks. I don’t need to draw more attention - or bulk - to my midsection.