
Ok what us your email? Ill email u the case details

How much do you charge stella? I need a family law attorney

She is not that impressive if she is on fox news.

Do you do men or women divorces

Hope you do good in med school what are u studying?

I used to be a republican and i finally woke up an left the party of hate. Now im more liberal and will vote democrat this time around.

I have one of those lol. Im a investment banker

Lick my coochie ok.

Do it looks like i give a shit no. Stop complaining about something that is free. If u so called capitalism republicans hate liberals n facebook so much stop using it. Create your own fucking social media site or use twitter or MySpace. Gosh fucking whining ass republicans. Fuck off go to your safe space bitch.

Im on my phone stupid bitch. Don’t worry about my errors i see them. Mind your fucking business rightwing ignorant troll

So ehy wont conservatives or Republicunts start there own social media site so spew their rightwing racist homophobic ignorant bullshit. Fuck republicans tired of liberals n democrats bowing down to them. Thats why we need Sanders as president because he wont bow down to these idiots.

Well in Florida they voted to make minimum wage 3.50 an hour.

Honey you are a fawking liar.

All this is Hillary fault. Hill shills never learn, but they will learn today n in june. #Berinebros #Berinechickas

Illuminati is real an 9/11 was a inside job. Wake UP liberals

Is Jia mother really a dog?

I was there caught up in the fire. But i am safe now. But my place is burned up.

I have some that i can resell to you for 300 a piece. If you are interested let me know.

I went to go see Hamilton. It was a great play. I loved it.

I bought 12 tickets and sold them for 500 bucks a piece.