T R U T H ! ! !
T R U T H ! ! !
GOP is, and forever will be, the party of hypocrisy.
In ‘97 he probably wouldn’t have been. I think Trump is only doing as well as he is because our first Black president, and the constant Republican attacks on his legitimacy, brought right-wing racism into the light. In ‘97, racist dog-whistling was a little harder to hear.
I don’t know, I get Bernie’s criticism on the campaign finance system but this fundraiser in question is largely meant to benefit down ticket candidates rather than the Clinton campaign itself. How exactly does he expect to change the system without getting a ton of Democrats elected to the House and Senate? Not every…
I think he has a point. Though, I think Hilary is just doing what she thinks that needs to be done. I feel painful if either of them lose.
Yes, I somehow feel that if said fundraiser was held for The Bern, he would no longer find it obscene in the least. Gawd. It’s not like Clooney is holding a Punch An Orphan fundraiser.
My house is adjacent to the golf course and country club grounds which sounds super fancy and like I live in a ritzy neighborhood right? Actually I live in one of the poorer areas of town, with a lot of smaller and low income housing. The family that donated the land for the country club basically stipulated that it…
I just went and looked at a two bedroom in Queens that was almost a mile from the train and in a building that looked like a trap house. It was $2000 a month.
It appears she found a real man. Not this fucking loser. He sounds just like my former brother in law, always some excuse for being 50k behind.
While he was making six figures, to boot. He left them high and dry then, but we’re supposed to feel sorry for him now? .
I’m probably being a huge asshole but I have trouble understanding how the non-custodial parents not paying child support are the victims here.
I don’t believe he’s received a single death threat. He’s pissy because people are giving him shit over showing support for that Nazi piece of garbage Trump. and can’t understand it’s not 1999 any longer and he’s not a #1 a-lister any more. Fuck this guy.
Death threats? That does indeed suck. People need to calm down.
Your daughter don’t take no shit and I think that’s awesome.