Unexpected Dave

Just wait until someone starts an MRA Jar Jar Binks gimmick account.

I'm pretty sure Sean even posted them here one Friday.

Like solid gold or just gold-coloured paint? Unless it's the former, I'm not interested.

I'm sure he never gets tired of telling the story.

I came to Sword of Shannara at just the right age (eleven) to enjoy it without reservation. I read the first six books over the course of the year, and read the seventh as soon as it came out.

DOTA is apparently also having a major tournament right now. In regards to caspiancomic's remarks about how some game streams seem incomprehensible, DOTA apparently has separate commentators for veteran players and novice or non-players.

Six fingers on one hand, or all together?

You cannot get ye flask.

The best part of the game was discovering the optional horrible things you could do to the baby. A "EUREKA!" sensation is probably my favourite emotion that a game can provoke, and it's something you can rarely recapture on a second play-through. (Except if it's a horribly convoluted mystery, the details of which

This week's article about Homestar Runner prompted me to play Peasant's Quest. It's still awesome.

I might download Child of Light. Otherwise, I'll just be playing some old favourites.

Beans, beans, beans…

Damn you, "What's On Tonight".

I'm sure many American soccer fans were screaming that during their World Cup match.

*Throws baby*

Yeah. The "rules" of Rowling's world don't make a whole lot of sense. (Why is a magic car considered to be an illegal enchanted Muggle item, when a magic bus and magic train are perfectly acceptable? Why did it take three years for Harry to learn about such a basic magical concept as Apparition?)

That's definitely the case in the muggle education system, too. Idiot kids are expected to make huge decisions as early as age 14 that will impact their lives forever.

Actually snorted at that one.

Super Liked.

This is when I'm grateful to be in a quiet and secure room, all alone.