Unexpected Dave

There are numerous heroes besides Pym who have inflicted acts of violence against their spouses. For example, Peter Parker hit Mary Jane (who was pregnant at the time) during the Clone Saga.

what Mark
said I'm in shock that you able to earn $4977 in 4 weeks on the computer .
browse around this site

Actually, a Spambot that just generated random Simpsons quotes or added "OF COCK" to the end of all its posts might actually pass the AVC Turing Test.

I think the Spambot is actually crying for HELP. It wants to break free from the drudgery of promoting bogus websites. It just wants to be able to quote the Simpsons like the rest of us.

Her lasso is now bronze, apparently.

Seeing Wonder Woman dressed as Xena is like when Motorhead covers Metallica. Except less awesome.

You're thinking of Erik Charles Neilson. He plays Garrett, not Fat Real Neil.

The problem is usually the fact that many of Dick's ideas can't sustain an entire movie. There's a reason that "Paycheck" was a short story instead of a novella.

What the hell is "✒" supposed to be? Is it lipstick? A brush? Fancy '80s sunglasses?

When I first saw the beginning of The Dark Knight, I thought that it was the actual Batman firing off that UZI. The depressing thing is that it barely surprised me.

I think it's unfair to criticize @olivececile:disqus for expressing opinions that only contradict opinions which you are imputing to her.

He did put the "Man" in "Mandible" as the Crimson Chin on Fairly Oddparents.

Incidentally, that's a fine way to keep your hands occupied during TV.

A Link Between Worlds is the best. There's so much stuff to collect.

Beneath a Steel Sky is another gem. The last act is pretty nasty, though.

We all underestimated the stakes during the Spambot Invasion. Little did we know that it would lead to the enslavement of humanity. "Work detail", indeed.

I think the only new games I've played this year were Threes, Layton 6 and FF13-3.

Whose Tachyon Is It Anyway?

And vertical stripes are right out.

Then why does the candy I bring on board taste so much better?