Unexpected Dave

Is that the only accomplishment that fills you with pride? Earning money? For shame, black-hearted Spambot.

I remember the "Sam the Record Man" sign being prominently visible in Half-Baked, and that amused me considerably.

And Ron Burgundy

I eventually got so sick of the Trailer Park Boys' over-exposure that it was easy to forget how good those first few seasons were.

Halifax's cultural heyday was definitely the 90s, when Sloan and This Hour Has 22 Minutes were in their prime.

It was certainly a bold way for a new site to announce itself to the world.

If I could wish but one wish for a Mass Effect Trilogy Mod, it would be a Shepard with a Fallout-style "dumb" dialogue option.

I haven't played Pokemon, so I can't really compare them. The game was conceived (on the show) as a parody of Magic, and the actual game is a simplified version of it.

It may just be paranoia. Nintendo disabled their online support for a lot of Wii games back in May. My Wii can sit idle for months, so I'd hate to miss a notice that the store is closing.

A bunch of us were talking about this in the comments for the Flower article. I still maintain that game/non-game is not a helpful distinction. A piece of software can be both.

That's a really good theory.

Sounds like your daily affirmation is "What would Tyler Perry do?"

I haven't had a nod since Stak stopped counting. It's shameful.

Trance was never really that useful. It might have been overcompensation for the combat in FFVIII, which relied a little too heavily on Limit Breaks. Aura plus Lionheart turned even the most brutal boss battles into a bit of a joke.

One thing FFIX did really well was balance the shifting party focus. They did it before in FFVI, but it wasn't nearly as interesting, as the characters in FFIX had such disparate goals at first.

What I Won't Be Playing This Weekend (Probably)

Worrying that Nintendo might shut down the Wii shop channel at any moment, I re-downloaded all my Virtual Console games. Going through a lot of them again will be my summer gaming project.

FLAGGED for attempting to invoke Cthulu the Destroyer.

The Blue Oyster Bar is gay? I thought it was just paying tribute to the leather attire worn by Blue Oyster Cult's lead singer Eric Bloom!

Well, I am full of both beef and cakeā€¦