Unexpected Dave

It looks like a dual lawnmower / snowblower.

I wish I could have taken the life-size cardboard cutout of Justin Bieber in purple jeans and golden high-tops that was in the drugstore next to my office.

D. Johnson will always be Lt. Falcon to me.

He's liking his own comments, which is the Internet equivalent.

There have been several, but they were never major characters.

I think Claremont would be legitimately contrite for any offence that his writing caused.

You and Nicky Dubs both touch upon the idea that gaming (or at least a substantial part of its culture) is still trapped in adolescence.

Until Minish Cap, I never really gave much thought to Link's cap (other than to admire its animation in Link to the Past.) Likewise, I never thought too much about Mario's hat until it was stolen in Mario 64.

Mine keeps insisting on Fountains of Wayne.

I pledged at Dawes House when I went to Laurel Canyon University. Unfortunately, I couldn't get my beard to grow in properly.

You know what method almost never fails to get the NES to read a cart? Using the Game Genie.

Yeah, it is sad when Disqus deletes stuff. Most of my posts on Gameological 1.0 are now either attributed to "Guest" or deleted entirely.

My name is WORKS77, King of Kings:
Look upon my Ozymandias, ye Mighty, and despair!

I usually have mixed feelings about silly comments in obituaries, but this made me smile.

Like so!

I really miss the coloured backgrounds.

"Marge, what were your gambling losses last year?"

The A.V. Club

Yeah, I will defend just about any 80s/90s kid show, but Power Rangers is just as bad as your parents said it was at the time. I watched a few episodes on Netflix recently, and they are in fact almost all the same.

Pat Buchanan was President ? How did i miss that ?