Unexpected Dave

If there was a limit, Yuri Petrovic would have been banned ages ago.

Gil's first episode was Hutz's last major one, incidentally.

Actually, they are.

For the first 4 or 5 seasons, I never gave much thought to the Mother's identity. I was happy to enjoy the weekly adventures. I suppose in the back of my mind, I always expected that the Mother would join the cast eventually, and that the last seasons would feature them as a couple. This meant that every woman Ted met

It's often forgotten is that this episode is a PITCH PERFECT parody of the kind of retrospective anniversary specials that were popular at the time (especially Married with Children's 200th episode spectacular.) Random celebrity host? Check. Inane trivia questions as commercial bumpers? Check.

FX became a hard core sex channel so gradually…

I think the fundamental flaw of Monopoly (and this applies also to Risk) is that the only victory state is ABSOLUTE victory. Every single game has to be an all-or-nothing blowout. That's what leads to such vicious hurt feelings. There's NEVER the consolation of the near-victory.
And it's so easy to let the game drag

The KFC Yum ! Center is snubbed again.



I love looking at something in the distance and thinking, "I can go there."

When we criticize length itself, we're usually missing the point. Ten hours of gameplay can feel tight, or it can feel bloated. The narrative might go on for too long, or it might end abruptly.
I always find it unsatisfying to beat a game before I've mastered its mechanics or maxed out a skill tree. It feels like a

Pretty much every hero changes a lot in their first few years. Some changes are subtle (like Wolverine's apparent age, or Peter Parker's swagger) while others are more tangible (Thor leaving Don Blake and Jane Foster). But after that, people tend to "lock in" on the classic version.
In the case of Cyclops, of course,

I'll give the show the benefit of the doubt, and assume that view of Abed was just Hickey's opinion. It really doesn't fit with the history of the show.

FF13 has a structure that's very similar to FF5 or FF6. You have to progress through the story to unlock a lot of the mechanics. It starts off very linear, but opens up near the end.
The biggest problem is that the game takes too long to open up, from a mechanical and exploration perspective. By the time

Frasier was a success because they made a completely different show that just happened to star a character who had once appeared in another series.

Yeah, Penny kind of learned that lesson back in the Time Machine episode in season one (and she had legitimate reason to be pissed off there, as the guys blocked off the stairs and made her miss work).

Why do Canadians always smile for their mugshots?

Absolutely. Those latter examples are like the video game equivalent of Criterion, rather than TBS.

"Turnerization" is fine with me, so long as the original is also preserved.