My money is on Tiffany. The secret one.
My money is on Tiffany. The secret one.
Terrence Howard hasn’t been okay in over a decade
no one wants to eat the rich when they look so unappetizing.
Great review and even greater interview. I love the idea of this book and quite frankly the distillation of her pursuit. I’m also so glad that it was a conceptual collection rather than some lame horror story about collecting the real thing.
I truly don’t get the criticism of this being “old-fashioned.” Seriously makes no sense.
Wasn’t not too long ago that Britney Spears’ dad was in the hospital? Now he’s breaking down doors and putting his hands on his 13 year old grandson.
He gayed away the pray! Good for him!
Fuck him.
It’s the new Hapsburg Chin.
To spy, of course.
“... the present-day neo-feminist McCarthyism”
As if the scandals aren’t enough, the quality of merchandise sold by VS has also plummeted over the years. I remember my first set of 5/20 underwear lasting for years, while the second set fell apart, and I didn’t buy anymore. Likewise, I’m still wearing 2 cotton tanks purchased in the late 90s, granted they are…
…….you’d think that, with the destruction of our world going on around me, I’d be occupied with other matters, BUT, I’ve been praying for a while now that this particular feud would reignite...…#ItGivesMeLife......Martha, being an #OLD (like me) has ZERO fucks to give (“I’ve done prison time, ‘Gwynnie’—Come at me!”),…
Martha Stewart once SCREAMED at my (now ex) husband and his coworkers for having the audacity to be hosting a team cookout on the day she arrived at their workplace. It was insane. It was uncalled for. And I still would take her over Gwyneth any day of the week, and twice on Sunday.
Snoop Dogg has never steered me wrong in the past, so I’m team Martha for this one.
It’s not small/local but Target sells True Bra now, it’s so comfy. Great for T wear.
Ok you’re never going to believe me on this, but I have giant boobs (well maybe you believe that part) made suuuuper...let’s say, gravitationally advantaged by nursing in the past. Now I’m pregnant again and have gained 50 lbs of baby weight (go me?) and had to get a new bra but didn’t want to spend a fortune (my…
I’m so glad you posted this. I wouldn’t have sought out clips from the VMAs but this was so so so worth it. Missy’s an inspiration, the original, and long overdue for this kind of recognition!
Even in my hardest of hardcore metal days, I would stop and watch when Missy was on MTV. She is just mesmerizing. I think of her like I think of Peter Gabriel. I’m not always sure of what is happening, but you can’t NOT watch