undocumented shirker

That story about Delta Dawn being about Jesus and Magdalene way predates the internet. I heard that on church camp bus trips back in the 70's.

I think in this case you just need a half brother to do those things and then die young. No actual talent or skill required on the part of the TV stars.

You guys sure write a lot of articles about Filet-O-Fish.

No "Rock and Roll Heaven" by the Righteous Brothers?
On the other hand, thanks for reminding me of "Shannon", a song that sounds both literally (the vocal) and metaphorically (the lyrics) like fingernails on a chalkboard. That track is a real glimpse into the abyss.

So weird. I was in high school during the height of Journey's popularity, and it was clear to me that they were not only the worst band in the world, but maybe the worst band possible. Music to break radios by. Uggh.

Wait, the 3CD version is only $33? that's not greedy, that's freaking charitable! Take my money NOW.

Do we even know who "Prince's estate" is? why the heck haven't the floodgates already opened on what must be an enormous amount of recordings to release? Don't they know that there are plenty of people ( like me) who would pay good money for just about anything in the vaults? They could probably get me to pay for a

It is a bird pierced through by thorns with its intestines dangling out and wound around the very branch that has vivisected it, yet the bird is still alive and poised with the dignity of St Sebastian. The worm in the other bird's mouth is clearly part of the first bird's guts.

I just listened to the recent episode of Song Exploder featuring a new Gorilliz track, and I was sort of disappointed they interviewed Damon Albarn instead of somebody portraying the band members, like in the 11 questions piece. Seemed to be sort of letting down the concept.

If you like malt flavor you should absolutely try these. Also, I believe Nestles still makes plain malt powder that you can find either in the baking aisle or next to the Nestles Qwik in the supermarket. And no, malt is not expensive at all. It just isn't very popular as a flavor these days. I notice most new,

Save the Ragtime references for the Evelyn Nesbit article!

In his spare time when he wasn't running his new craft brewery and artisan charcuterie company.

Good gimmick! Keep it up! I mean this sincerely!

I'd like to thank you for your work in providing this posting. It adds significantly to the article and must have taken some real effort on your part. Thanks!

I love "Shiny Beast (Bat Chain Puller)" but I've never heard the earlier "Bat Chain Puller". How is it different?

He sounds like the model for Bojack Horeman.

Which one has Dwayne Johnson wielding a giant machine gun like a leaf blower? I liked that one.

So this review is 6 months old so I know I'm talking into the void to post now, but I just saw this on Amazon Prime last night and came back to reread the review. I disagree with a lot of the negative assessment here. I didn't feel like there was any intention to be disgusting for the sake of being disgusting going on

If you are going to brag about your car, you have to do better than call it "branded". Pretty sure they don't sell generic automobiles that just have "CAR" stenciled on the side.

Holy crap, he killed Mother Teresa, too?