undocumented shirker

I think, from what I remember having read, that the problem was not Welles being difficult in the sense of unpleasant, but that he had a tendency to take on lots of projects and then leave off before the final details were worked out because he had moved on to something else. In this case the studio found itself with

That seems like an incredibly bad decision. You can have songs and fighting, too. Last time I checked most people didn't think of music as being synonymous with weakness and boredom.

On the other hand, he does have a penis.

This movie sounds like a good film that I will never, ever watch. Cannibalism is the one thing I can not abide.

Non-funny answer: they overexpanded too quickly in the 2000s by making it too easy for people to start franchises. Most of the franchises went out of business between 2009 and 2011 when the recession made it impossible for them to keep up with their debts. The company went chapter 11 but carries on with about 20% the

"Who knew health care could be so complicated?" Every single person of normal intelligence who has given it at least 2 minutes of thought. Which rules out Trump in a couple of ways.

Monumental album. Now I will go back and read the article.

Old school outlaw country like David Allen Coe and Waylon or newer stuff like Sturgil Simpson or Hank III, or something else?

When I clicked on one of the links for a video by Immortal, YouTube made me watch a commercial for Tylenol.

You know the neighborhood in "A Christmas Story"? That's what northwestern Indiana mostly looks like, only with sixty years of extra age on it.

Coneheads rule

Excellent! The only slight flaw is "house on fire" ,which is not a common American expression. The first time I ever heard it was in a song by The Housemartins. Otherwise very well done.


2) where slurping becomes impossible

SOLVING the chemical aftertaste? You call it a bug, I call it a feature!

Oh, I guess so. Now it says 667. Lucky me.

666 comments. Coincidence?

Also, add rhubarb to pretty much any fruit pie and it improves it. I'm counting down days until the first rhubarb shows up in the market.

Agree. It is just so damn hard to get good peaches. Almost every one I bought last year went mealy or moldy before ripening, even in a paper bag.

I assume you use a large hole cheese grater? That sounds cool but like a lot of work.