undocumented shirker

Or half butter, half Crisco for those who prefer not to eat of the swine. And yes, ice cold vodka does work very well. I believe the alcohol binds the flour and fat together without causing the gluten to start to polymerize.
2 2/3 cup (310 g) flour, 115 g frozen shortening and 115 g (one stick) cold unsalted butter,

Looking forward to this appearing on my kindle tomorrow.

I second the appreciation for the way you outline the several steps of connection you take to get to the next topic. Nice feature.

It's looking like tweets and tantrums all flavored with ad hominem attacks so far.

Furious 8: Whither the Rock?

The guy in that case for Christ still looks like Steve Buscemi playing Mark Spitz.

I have nothing to say about this movie, and I agree that most late Frank Miller is a awful, but I loved All Star B&R. It was hilarious! It was like the most extreme Mad Magazine depiction of Batman. He trains Robin by locking him in a dungeon and making him eat rats! He grows facial hair when he puts on his costume!

You may not want to live there, but Detroit still has auto manufacturing and the military will have fantasies about using it to build war equipment so, no, I'm sure Motor City will be a nuclear target.

No, I don't buy it. Sam was a guy who talked a lot about how he was going to vote for Gary Johnson and then actually went for Hillary.

Another difference is that the Republican Party tries to win while the Democratic Party tries to do the right thing.

My wife and daughter went up to D.C. while I stayed home with my SAT taking son. It sounds like it was a pretty energizing experience.

Beckett? And not the plays, but the novels? And he has the opening of Malloy memorized? Very cool. I would have never guessed.

No, you got it. The Archmage missed a beat there.

Not to be the anti-fun jerk here, but mental illness in actually a real thing and it results in sad misery, not supervillains.

Trump supporters, for the most part, break down into three categories: the stupid, the evil and the evil/stupid (who are way worse than the evil dead). I say this as a lifelong resident of red state America who works full time in a rural area and has nothing inherently against Protestant Christianity. There is a

I'm onboard with pretty much all of these, but I would say, regarding #9, that I think I liked Fantastic Beasts MORE when I knew it was a first installment. now I don't mind everything that was left hanging or half developed, And I'm certainly up for more.

Whatever. But at least you can't ignore the great work they have done in preserving decades of great newspaper comics and obscure comic books that would otherwise be rapidly vanishing without a trace. Also the Hernandez brothers, who are great artists. And now that I think of it, what connection is there between them

I like them all, but Fantastic Mr Fox and Darjeeling Limited are my two favorite.

Because he has no choice without completely switching sides. The Republican party can't just switch him out for a new leader.

No, he would never have even gotten a chance under a parliamentary system because he wouldn't have condescended to run for MP in the first place. With a parliamentary system a complete noob literally can not go strait to the top. If this were Australia, Paul Ryan would have been PM years ago.