undocumented shirker

No kidding. For months I had paired this with Arrival in my mind, thinking I had two great science fiction movies to look forward to at the end of the year.

You've got me curious about Collateral Beauty, a movie I'm never going to watch but whose trailer I've sat through several times. They make it look like for the whole movie we get to watch Will Smith have this series of maybe delusional or maybe not but who cares conversations with spirits of Death, Love and Time and

I thought he was pretty good in Jurassic World. He has a sort of Errol Flynn-like air of "this may be a terrifying and life-threatening situation to you, but I'm having a good time." So serious, no, but action hero ok.

Wow. The trailers completely did not make clear this basic aspect of the movie. I would have never guessed from the ads that Pratt had woken Lawrence up intentionally. Why go to all that expense to make a blockbuster size movie with such an off putting plot? I'll never understand why so many people decide to go

Chopin potato vodka is actually pleasant to drink as opposed to the "look out below, alcohol coming through" of most vodka shots.

A) there are no poinsettias in that picture.
B) more pedantic but then again that is just what a computer should know, poinsettias are not flowers. They have flowers, but they are tiny and not the reason to display poinsettias. The big, showey, red parts are leaves. If a computer can't tell ribbons from poinsettias,

But there are NO flowers! Why does it keep saying there are flowers? That's the part that really does give me the creeps. Like, is it seeing some other dimension that is filled with flowers? Flowers aren't even a significant PART of Christmas iconography.

Yes. The "hot" variety (with the red cap, as opposed to their "not so hot" variety which is also very hot) is so intense that, as my son pointed out, it is actually difficult to drink it from a glass because the scent coming up with the bubbles is enough to set off a spasm of sneezing and coughing . Good stuff.

Your article does not discuss Blenheim hot Ginger Ale and is therefore, I am sorry to tell you, a complete travesty.

Sitting up at 2:30am because I'm so depressed I can hardly breathe, and this article, as always, has brought me many laughs. Thanks, A.V. Club!

And amidst all your cynical hatred are we not even going to mention the joy of Ryan North having now taken over Jughead?

Yeah, in this case there is nothing. Sam Gamgee could have made me feel better about Mitt Romney, but this really is Sauron triumphant, the world plunged in darkness, and it lasts forever. America is over, the constitution is a joke, the concentration camps are coming, and I've got three options:
2) alcoholism

I remember in 2008 thinking that HRC's big flaw was her paranoia, and how refreshing it was that a more level-headed guy like Obama was running. Eight years has finally drummed it in that we need more paranoia. She's paranoid because everyone is out to get her.

Do you angrily insist that younger people around you listen to the magic that is "Frampton Comes Alive" just the see the looks of astonished chagrin on their faces?

It is their parents' money- wasting it is part of the fun.

The Workman's Friend (a pome about a drink of porter, something with which we are all familiar)(excerpt)
When money's tight and hard to get,
And your horse has also ran,
And all you've got is a heap of debt,
-Flann O'Brien
I've been on an IPA kick of late, but it's always to porter I'll

"Astral Weeks" by Van Morrison. The whole album but especially the title song when he hits the last "way up in heaven"

Or another possibility is that he wasn't really paying attention or taking the interview seriously.

Also samosas. Alternate bites with some mint/yogurt chutney.

Hot dogs are delicious. One of nature's most perfect foods.