undocumented shirker

I sure do. Also mustard, mayonnaise and a heap of pickles. Also lettuce and tomatos if the tomato slices are looking edible.

Grew up with the vague belief that "filet-o" was a type of fish. Like "Arrr, matey, the fillet-o's are running deep this morning out past the breakers." I still love saying the words "fillet-o fish." Also , yes, they are delicious.

And hamburgers. And macaroni and cheese. And pakoras. And tenderloin sandwiches which if you are from Indiana you know what that is. And a hypothetical Chick-fil-A sandwich if I still ate at Chick-fil-A. And meat pies, which are like pasties only Australian. But never on hotdogs, because that is abomination.

So as an absolute and total ignoramus of gaming I have a naïve but serious question: what exactly is supposed to be so and impressive and paradigm-shifting and whatever about this game? It sounds like the "18 quintillion worlds" just means they took a certain number of variables- animal color, hill size, whatever, and

If you check back sometime later they will have named a federal holiday and the capitol of Ohio after you.

A) "Comfort And Joy", along with every other member of Bill Forsyth's oeuvre, is a swell delight of a picture and very worth seeing.
B) It is worth noting that in New York City TODAY there is a semi-violent street war going on between drivers of Mr Softee trucks and their competitor "New York Ice Cream" for control of

"It doesn't wok this way!" "I'm afraid we'll have to wok this out!" "Wok off!" "I'm frying to make myself clear to you!"

"Butt" of a joke. Ha ha.

"Total Left Main Coronary Occlusion in My Sleep After a Day in Which I had Spoken Warmly to All My Family" by… well by nobody. But it would be a good answer if it were a song.

I guess. So I shouldn't have said "pointless" since the point is to sell tickets, which it is obviously doing. "Ugly and unappealing to me remake", then.

I count five fabulous songs in the original. The monkey-king one is the best.

Right. Because sexuality and sexual orientation are topics only relevant to adults. Nobody ever has any feelings related to their sexual orientation until their 21st birthday.

Except that she looks cool.

This is great news! The guy who made Blue Ruin? Bring it on. And here my stupid brain was making an unconscious connection between this and "Green Inferno" and so getting ready to dismiss it without a thought. Thanks, AVClub

This has to be about the dumbest, most pointless remakes ever. The songs are by far the best thing about the original, and the Disney animation is the next best thing. When they can't even make a trailer that looks appealing you know it is going to be even worse than feared. Also, the celebrity voice cast is

Not really Afican-African, but African American (or African English, I have a feeling there are Afro-Futurist themes in some art from Black Britons) art, be it fiction, music, film, theatre etc, that uses themes from science-fiction, such as transformed worlds, aliens, space travel, to explore the African American

And Parlifunkadelicment. George, Bootsy, the whole thing. And Sun Ra. And Hendrix, sort-of.

I'm going to be a little disappointed if we don't, several years from now, get a follow up feature about Mason as an adult. I can't imagine what it will be like, but I know Linklater could make it great.

Yeah, that bit left a sour taste compared to the rest of the fine interview. He caught himself before he made his point to explicit, but they should have done him the favor of editing it out.

I regret that I have only one like to give for this post.