undocumented shirker

It is impossible to explain to most people east of the Mississippi and south of Philadelphia that Robert E. Lee was literally a traitor. They will treat you as if you are either psychotic or disgustingly rude, or both.

Raised in Indiana, educated in Virginia, living in North Carolina, hoping that reincarnation is true.

I see this was actually posted before they went and killed somebody and took it out of the realm of humor. Oh, for those more innocent days of literally yesterday.

It was all in last one. Moral: don't share your six-pack.

Not to be confused with ( one D, no definite article) Kid Creole. August Darnell is innocent! Or at least didn't stab anybody.

Or maybe people should stop thinking it is an insult to be thought to be gay. Or should not kill other people over perceived insults. Or all three, I guess, although the not killing part seems most important.

It appears to genuinely be just two childish douchebags fighting over who is the baddest douchebag of all.

Yeah, there is rape without strong censure in Cat's Cradle, too. I was surprised when I reread them a few years ago. I hadn't remembered it from when I first read Vonnegut as a kid. It really spoiled some of my enjoyment.

I think of it as the one that is most like the novels of Kilgore Trout.

Anything that gets the word out about the Church of God The Utterly Indifferent is good by me.

It looks frosted. Like Krispy Kreme frosted. I'm afraid that thought, when it meets the reality of sourness, would create produce an unpleasant cognitive/sensory dissonance. Maybe I'll just make slaw out of the sauce and the eat that WITH the chicken.

Yes. As a woke Durhamite I would be willing to eat it, but not to call it barbecue. Otherwise isn't every sauce on meat "barbecue sauce"? Is sauce Bearnaise French barbecue sauce?

His novels and stories are terrific, but I think Locke & Key is the best thing he has created. He is a really great comics writer.

Tie between Springsteen, REM, Bob Dylan and the Mountain Goats at four or five times each, I forget how many. When you are old your memories all sort of bleed together.

"Colloidal silver"? That's a new one. All the crazy old ladies know are obsessed with the delusional Morgallons parasites under their skin. The ones that always disintegrate before they can show them to the doctor.

Are we all talking about the same trailer? I've seen three trailers at least for Baby Driver. One of them is awful, one of them is so-so, and the one that was featured in an AVClub recommendation a while back is one of the most exciting trailers I've ever seen.
That's the one that begins with Spacey going over the

MAYBE the few minutes or seconds) in the chaotic firefight scene in Apocalypse Now? Who's in charge here? Ain't you?"

No, I think he was referring to the way you eschew capital letters and your idiosyncratic use of punctuation and grammar as "edgy".

Trust me, the majority of them will say, and really believe, that it is Barack Obama's fault when they lose their insurance. I work at a hospital and get to hear the crazy talk every day. It would be "unprofessional" and lose me my job to argue with them. Smile and change the subject.

She looks like an action figure. Not a very good one. They all do. Yuk.