undocumented shirker

Actually, there was a Sir Richard Burton, but he was a Victorian era explorer and not a twentieth century actor. Sir Richard Burton was supposedly the first modern European infidel to visit Mecca, and translated The Arabian Nights. I think people get them confused when they apply the "Sir" to Liz's Dick.

Wow, now that I read the article it is even suckier than I had feared. $12 and two hours to watch humorless angst and then Superman dies? Screw that.

I'm going to guess that despite starting out as being versus each other that Sman and Bman discover that they are really on the same side. Then they become friends. Superfriends! Also some buildings fall down.

Sure, if you had to choose one or the other, but they are linked. Now that it is mostly unmoored from its military origin, NASA is usually lumped together with those other orginizations as part of "science" by both politicians and the public. And rightly so. A government that gives a crap about NASA is one that is

I always thought this could only be any good if they made it animated anyway. MAybe it is a project better left undone.

Just like the blockbuster series "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen". It was never going to make money. Now it will suck and fail and discourage a generation from reading Neil Gaiman.

I am oddly pleased that he made it 504 so he could keep the "F" initial in both English and Deutsch.

Don't forget Moonrise Kingdom. For me, he is one of the secret ingredients that make that movie really work. He's never been sadder- his pathos so affecting for those of us who relate to the parents as much as to the kids.

Is Zeppo your favorite Marx brother, too?

No. Not at all, actually.

Aw, I was hoping you meant there would be one with all the cuss words taken out so I could take the kids to see some ultra violence without getting offended.

Oh , so THAT explains the Garrett Morris cameo in the movie.

Very interesting to see the "anti-child" bias here. I imagine some, but not all, of that must come from the demographic make-up of the posters. As someone with 3 kids let me tell you the world looks VERY different after you have children. There is absolutely no excuse at all, ever, for an adult to slap a child that

Not to be cynical, and I have no beef at all with Ms Hanna whose music I generally like a lot, but saying transgressive things is a punk rocker's JOB. And saying transgressive things that validate a woman's right to choose without judgement is Kathleen Hanna's VERY SPECIFIC JOB. It would have been remarkable if she

Bob Dylan's "Chronicles Part Two"! I stay up nights worrying he'll die without writing some more of it. It would have been so much a better use of time than recording an album of Sinatra covers. I'm looking forward to that mess like I'm looking forward to my next colonoscopy.

$3.20 return for $1 still seems like a remarkably good investment.

I do not want your veteran's day poppy.

This summer I got to see the Baseball Project live at the minor league all-star game celebration. They were great. Anyway afterward they were all just hanging out signing, chatting and drinking so I bought a vinyl copy or "3rd" and got all four signatures. I really only wanted Pete Buck and Mike Mills because the

Not by much, no. Judging by other comments, though, we seem to have reached "backlash" stage with Adventure Time. How anyone could think season six has been a letdown is beyond me. Unfortunately the backlash will probably hasten its inevitable end. I predict season eight will be the end, if not seven. Enjoy it while