undocumented shirker

Because they paid him. Coolio is now the official "spokesrapper" for pornhub and this ditty is an advertisement. No joke.

They are very worth seeing. They seemed to be having a lot of fun. Played some old Le Tigre material, too.

Bringing Roy Orbison into it seems more than a little unfair to Roy Orbison.

I saw Ex Hex this past Saturday in Chapel Hill, and they TORE IT UP. This band has their thing together solid. Mary Timony is a guitar god. Playing above her head, doing awesome guitar moves and playing the shit out of it all the time. I haven't heard their new album yet, but if they captured any of the power of that

You could do worse than to start with "Victory Lap" the first story from Dec 10. I like everything by Saunders but that story really struck me hard. And I would be astonished if anyone who likes Vonnegut didn't like George Saunders.

So you know the walking on water scene? So the "Old Man" was God, to Chance's idiot-Jesus (hence the walking on water) and now God is dead and this helpless, impotent figure from another age is left to fend for himself in a world that has forgotten both God and the Christ. This analysis is silly and simplistic but I

You know that the Rabbits in Inland Empire are from a whole series of videos about the Rabbits? The whole series is creepier than the parts excerpted in the movie.

That woman has some really, really excellent teeth. Her orthodontist should be seriously proud. Those are some all-American teeth.

Good calls both, to which we can add Humbert Humbert himself and the narrator of "At Swim Two Birds".

Yeah, Ignatius isn't the narrator. But it just occurred to me that Phillip Seymour Hoffman would have been GREAT as Ignatius in a film of that book. Now I'm depressed all over.

Yep. The beard is awful. The contrast of its grey with his still-dark hair makes it look ugly. He looks as bad as an unshaven Bob Dylan.

It goes in the mouth, Moe.

On the practical side, what happened to giving us a heads up as to where we can find the movies and shows? Any of the usual streaming or do I have to go pay itunes or look for used DVDs?

You will rethink this by the time you get up towards 50 or 60. You'd be surprised how many octogenarians are interested in being 90.

Meh, screw the Oscars. Not Jennifer Lawrence's fault that Amy Adams didn't get one for "The Master". She'll get one eventually, everyone knows she's great. Meanwhile, the prospect of my two favorite active film actresses in one film, both in hot dresses, and the film is funny as well, has got me pretty stoked. I hope

Yes on the spicey vinegar but yer nuts on mustard greens. They're great! So are turnip greens!


Sounds like a bit of a rip-off of Nicholson Baker's "The Fermata".

Some other terms you might consider for "conflicted soul" would be "complex", "subtle", "empathetic","able to understand more than one simple interpretation of a situation". Really, go away until have learned a little more about human beings.

Damnit, here I was about to say something cute and positive about this character and then you come along and make a really good point. Because it is a really good point.