undocumented shirker

That weirdly reptilian claw scared the crap out of me. The monster I imagined was way scarier than what's in that picture. I imagined the baby would be more of a sort of Alien/Cthulu Jr. sort of thing.

And as a followup, I went to see it and it was swell. Way better than I'd expected. As good as the first one or at least in the same range.

Just to be pedantic here, I think the name of the band is "The Nightmare". The song seems to be titled "Riverbottom Nightmare Band"

You know what, though? Dowd's negativity really is a drag. I'm not even going to look at these grades for movies anymore. Over on The Dissolve Keith Phipps gave it 3.5 stars and basically said "pretty good for a kids movie" and had a better argument to back that claim up.Now I can actually volunteer to take the kids

I'm not sure I even understand this list. Is it really a list of odd tics on a very complicated web site? So what? How is this interesting?

Or go back to the British management of Palastine, the support given the Saud family in taking over Arabia or maybe the decision by the west to impose Israel on the region and dismiss with contempt the Palastinian population and thereby create a never-ending source of anger.

In the car. 35 minutes of interstate to and from work each day. Kyle Kinane beats yet more NPR.

No need. With proper surgery the testicles and penis can be preserved and a normal sized scrotum recreated returning the patient back to normal.

Maybe you just haven't found the right homegroup, or a good sponser. Keep at - it really can be a lifesaver.
One day at a time.

And just to be clear what I meant by that outburst, I'd say Astro City is very "post-Watchman" in it's focus on superheroes as part of a more real world and having more mundane problems and concerns, but that rather than taking that as a license to just ramp up the cynicism and violence, Kurt Busiak has created a much

Also do not forget Astro City.

I like her even more as mom in The Darjeeling Limited, but it's my favorite Wes Anderson movie.

Seconded. I very much hope she continues to be a part of the "Wes Anderson Mercury Theater Players"

It's the "Shot down/Like Ivan/At the end of "The Harder They Come" "
I had just seen "The Harder They Come" shortly before I first heard "London Calling" and felt so hip that I got it.

And imagine the balls it took to sing it to a room full of convicts and guards.

Thank you for addressing my lifelong confusion about why Dr Smith was always a "Special Guest Star". That confused me greatly as a child. And wasn't the unmarried other guy named "Don"? and Will's sister was "Penny"?

Happy Days.

They'll put Jonny Depp in it and ruin it.

They might have if you had been already up for 24hours at that point and were just entering your third wind. Maybe you just didn't do college right.

If they wait ten years it can be "After supper and before 'Dancing With The Stars':The hour in which we are both awake in the same room"