undocumented shirker

Yeah, I'm old, too. Sucks, doesn't it?

I was puzzled by the name, too. The official explanation from the movie is that "blackfish" is a word for an orca. The online dictionaries I've checked do not really support this but rather say it can be used as a name for a pilot whale, which is also a toothed cetacean but doesn't look much like an orca.

MILF Island!

Maybe, but not for that reason.

I am pretty sure there are some black people who like that song, too.

Hellboy 2 gets nearly enough love. What does not is Hellboy, which really is a quite fine movie. Perlman makes a real character out of Hellboy, and that alone is worth the viewing. The Abe Sapien and Liz Sherman characters are great, too, in spite of or maybe even because they are so different from the comic

Because I am killing time at work I actually tried that. It says [REDACTED] there, too. What does this mean? Is there somebody whose name you aren't allowed to print, like "YAHWEH" or something?

Here's a spoiler: This movie is an absolute piece of garbage with no real redeeming qualities other than Amy Adams generally being cute. One of the biggest disappointments I have ever had with a movie.

I'm liking how Leonard Nimoy is playing that role in the new Star Trek movies by being the go to guy who can be counted on to break his oath every time.

Yes you should. And a new issue just came out last week!

HELL YES HE (sort of) DID! How could you over look this one?

Murdering animals is not one of the main uses for tractors. They are more often used for tasks directly related to plant agriculture. I don't think Morrissey has even 1 gram of irony about meat and would never be filmed at or near a slaughterhouse.

Tangentially but related to "End of The Century" - "Danny Says" belongs on every good rock and roll Christmas song compilation.

Why? It's a terrible song. If Joey Ramone were alive I'd like to hear him cover anything or everything vocal from "Pet Sounds". Can't you just hear Joey singing "I Know There's an Answer" (only singing it as the original"Hang On To Your Ego") or "That's Not Me" ? Actually I just wish Joey were alive at all.( I assume

Judging by how much fun that brown wizard with the rabbit sled was this would be a pretty good idea.

Dropping it off a cliff does not count.

I think if it were eroding then you would actually see more "neck". The Rock's neck actually appears to be growing thicker, thus merging into his head and shoulders.

Radiohead will be like the Stones. (only without anyone dying. None of those guys is decadent enough to die like a rockstar). Or maybe like the Eagles or Fleetwood Mac. They'll never really breakup - just keep fading in and out forever. And that's not a pleasant thought.

They do, and they cater mostly to 12 year olds who are not quite sure what they feel or howto express it, but are desperate for some way to get that shit expressed ASAP. I kow because I live with such a 12 year old. It is never going to be a good night when my wife has been forced to endure the inside of Hot Topic.

It's a great album. It makes for a good Jerry Jeff greatest hits, too, if you,like me,haven't bothered transferring JJ albums from vinyl to digital.