undocumented shirker

Actually, no. He only asked because he was enjoying it. Follow up question "Are they saying 'kissing in the wind' or 'pissing in the wind'?" "Pissing, son. Pissing in the wind" "Oh. I get it."

This is what is missing from "country" music today. Slightly tangentially, last night I was playing Todd Snider's album of covers of Jerry Jeff Walker songs in the car. My 16 year old son said "Dad, I'm confused. Is this folk music or what?" No, son. This is what COUNTRY MUSIC IS SUPPOSED TO SOUND LIKE.

Yep, my mistake. I looked it up. The valley of ashes is based on a real part of Flushing. I had been thinking of the Eggs being on the south shore.

There isn't? Don't they have to drive through Brooklyn to get to Manhattan from out on Long Island? I always imagined the whole valley of ashes area WAS Brooklyn. I'll have to recheck.

I'm baffled by the C+ on a movie about which there really seems to be nothing good to say. Would you really rather see this than Iron Man 3?

Living in the age of good cartoons and superhero movies has freed us from such hypocrisy!

Oh yes, certainly. I was thinking more of the musical arrangements of songs like Solitary Man and Cherry Cherry. But as far as vocal emoting goes that particular song is a piece of work. Also, its pedophilic implication of how as soon as she crosses that age of consent line he plans to be right in that business adds

I would not ever want to watch "ELF" with you.

If you were a rock music snob in the '80's to early '90's you would have completely hated and mocked Neil Diamond. I'm not quite sure why, maybe the hair or the earnestness or the appearance in "The Jazz Singer", but I recall just laughing my ass off with contempt when my older, female, cousin went to see Neil Diamond

I just want to say thank you for this post!

I can't remember when I first heard that song, but whenever it was, that was the moment I never wanted to hear it again.

Gatsby knows he's a fraud and that he's doomed. Leonardo DiCaprio is incapable of looking any way but arrogant. Terrible casting.

Popeye is a swell movie! The musical numbers in particular are classic. Shelly Duvall singing "He's Large" (or whatever it it titled) can crack me up just remembering it.

I think being a "shambles" tonally is why it is good. "Violence is good" is crazy talk and part of what makes comics childish when they are childish. "Violence  is bad" is obvious and boring and doesn't really tell us anything new. Emotionally diving into both sides of a question is what makes a narrative begin to be

You are partially right,though. Fred Rogers himself was a pianist and trained musician and wrote the words and tunes for the songs that have words, though Johnny Costa wrote the instramentals.

How about
1)This is not nearly as great a movie as it could be. In fact, compared to other movies, it is fairly mediocre.
2) It is still the second best movie M Night S has made.
I  have a warm spot in my heart for it. I saw it once, 12 years ago, and I still find it pretty memorable. Even though Samual Jackson's

Dark Star Trek in Darkness crashes, pouring its light into ashes.

Whatever. Simon Pegg. I'm on board.

Keep reminding yourself, these are GUILLERMO DEL TORO'S giant robots beating the snot out of monster aliens.Me, I have an instant aversion to robots, but I'm all ready for Pacific Rim.

Yeah, if he had just let himself go naturally there could have been a whole George Burns style late career of funny old-man roles.But who the hell wants to look at a guy who had face lifts and now looks like an old man who survived a tragic burn accident?