undocumented shirker

yeah, I think the problem may have been that you spent 7 hours at a party designed to host guests for only 30 minute streches. That or everybody else was really fucked up on cough syrup or something and you weren't.

Not to be a jerk about the obvious, but "civilization" did not first arrive in North American when the European settlers showed up.  I'd say more, but I only made it through about 30 minutes of this movie before I fell asleep.

Not to be a jerk about the obvious, but "civilization" did not first arrive in North American when the European settlers showed up.  I'd say more, but I only made it through about 30 minutes of this movie before I fell asleep.

I'd say that's a great example of how funny excuses everything. Well done.

I'd say that's a great example of how funny excuses everything. Well done.

No talk of Fela? I don't think Fela ever recorded a song that was UNDER seven minutes long and they are nearly all great.

No talk of Fela? I don't think Fela ever recorded a song that was UNDER seven minutes long and they are nearly all great.

One of Graham Parker's biggest faults is that he expresses resentment toward almost everyone and everything, but with particular venom for things that are either harmless, like "health food" or actually are pretty good to great, like Elvis Costello, but just aren't doing enough for him, Graham Parker.

One of Graham Parker's biggest faults is that he expresses resentment toward almost everyone and everything, but with particular venom for things that are either harmless, like "health food" or actually are pretty good to great, like Elvis Costello, but just aren't doing enough for him, Graham Parker.

Is it wrong to point out that you have now talked about him at least twice?

Is it wrong to point out that you have now talked about him at least twice?

"Squeezing Out Sparks" is awesome, but "Howlin' Wind" and "Heat Treatment" are seriously two of the best albums ever by anyone. That is not hyperbole. And forget the Joe Jackson comparison. Graham Parker is to Joe Jackson like Bob Dylan is to Phil Ochs. Sadly, I'd have to suggest avoiding any of Parker's records

"Squeezing Out Sparks" is awesome, but "Howlin' Wind" and "Heat Treatment" are seriously two of the best albums ever by anyone. That is not hyperbole. And forget the Joe Jackson comparison. Graham Parker is to Joe Jackson like Bob Dylan is to Phil Ochs. Sadly, I'd have to suggest avoiding any of Parker's records

"Miller's Crossing". My favorite underappreciated Cohen Bros movie. "What's the rumpus?"

"Miller's Crossing". My favorite underappreciated Cohen Bros movie. "What's the rumpus?"

You also get T.S. Eliot, "Meet Me in St. Louis" and a contact high from Mark Twain.

You also get T.S. Eliot, "Meet Me in St. Louis" and a contact high from Mark Twain.

As Lester Bangs ( I think) said about Elvis, "He was so sexy he gave guys a hard-on. I can't even imagine what he did to girls." Or something like that. My point, if I have one, being that Brando and Elvis are unfair tests of gayness. Everybody's going to have some reaction.

As Lester Bangs ( I think) said about Elvis, "He was so sexy he gave guys a hard-on. I can't even imagine what he did to girls." Or something like that. My point, if I have one, being that Brando and Elvis are unfair tests of gayness. Everybody's going to have some reaction.

Skyfall. I loved the credits and liked the song quite a bit. The movie was ok, too.