undocumented shirker

Skyfall. I loved the credits and liked the song quite a bit. The movie was ok, too.

We hope so. We got at least one other family on board with it.

My wife is an agnostic Muslim and I am an agnostic Christian. We celebrate the fuck out of both Christian and Islamic holidays. Unfortunately, Islamic holidays kind of suck in terms of fun esp compared to Christmas. So when our oldest son came to his first Eid-al-Fitr I invented the Eid camel. The Eid camel does



Well at least you've got the the NHL!

Well at least you've got the the NHL!

Well she does sort of have a new-wave hairdo.

Well she does sort of have a new-wave hairdo.

Alec Baldwin should star in the Lawrence Welk Story. Brought to you by Geritol.

Alec Baldwin should star in the Lawrence Welk Story. Brought to you by Geritol.

No, but it reminds me I need to cook up some proper cranberry sauce tonight. That's one chore it is easy to get done early for the holiday.

No, but it reminds me I need to cook up some proper cranberry sauce tonight. That's one chore it is easy to get done early for the holiday.

My favorite use of that word was in an article (I don't remember by whom) defending Bill Clinton, which said "Who among us could be expected to resist a zaftig 21 year old in a thong ?" I thought it was the sort of clear point that settles an issue in one stroke.

My favorite use of that word was in an article (I don't remember by whom) defending Bill Clinton, which said "Who among us could be expected to resist a zaftig 21 year old in a thong ?" I thought it was the sort of clear point that settles an issue in one stroke.

Wow! That clip looks like something made by Stanley Kubrick.

Wow! That clip looks like something made by Stanley Kubrick.

Being Daffy Dick, I believe. Maybe he'll resurrect his old avatar for this discussion.

Being Daffy Dick, I believe. Maybe he'll resurrect his old avatar for this discussion.

My dad stayed in a suit through supper most of the time - and that was in the 70s and 80s. He's also a lifelong Democrat who last month almost got in a fight defending  his support of Obama from a guy who assumed all elderly white people must be Republicans. Sorry, I get defensive about "Leave it To Beaver".