undocumented shirker

My dad stayed in a suit through supper most of the time - and that was in the 70s and 80s. He's also a lifelong Democrat who last month almost got in a fight defending  his support of Obama from a guy who assumed all elderly white people must be Republicans. Sorry, I get defensive about "Leave it To Beaver".

Here's a better thing to know: "Leave it to Beaver" is seriously one of the best TV shows ever.

Here's a better thing to know: "Leave it to Beaver" is seriously one of the best TV shows ever.

Oh, I agree. I didn't think it was that impressive a story, especially since they used to basicly give away both food and entertainment in Vegas. That's why I wanted the clarification.

Oh, I agree. I didn't think it was that impressive a story, especially since they used to basicly give away both food and entertainment in Vegas. That's why I wanted the clarification.

Bill Clinton

Bill Clinton

You lost me at $30. Did your dad get the steak dinner AND the Elvis ticket both for $30 or just the steak dinner? 

You lost me at $30. Did your dad get the steak dinner AND the Elvis ticket both for $30 or just the steak dinner? 

Good job. That was worth the effort.

Good job. That was worth the effort.

Shit, "White Wedding" is a great song. Billy Idol the person may be a walking joke, but "Rebel Yell" and "White Wedding" rock. "Eyes Without a Face" I can live without.

Shit, "White Wedding" is a great song. Billy Idol the person may be a walking joke, but "Rebel Yell" and "White Wedding" rock. "Eyes Without a Face" I can live without.

So I guess you are saying he doesn't sing?

So I guess you are saying he doesn't sing?

The horror! The horror!

The horror! The horror!

Why wait? Reread "Xed Out" plus read "The Hive" now, then in two years you can reread "Xed Out" again, reread "The Hive" and read "Sugar Skull".

Why wait? Reread "Xed Out" plus read "The Hive" now, then in two years you can reread "Xed Out" again, reread "The Hive" and read "Sugar Skull".

They are making a movie of "Inherent Vice" ? Holy shit that's going to be weird.