undocumented shirker

They are making a movie of "Inherent Vice" ? Holy shit that's going to be weird.

Didn't the books come first?

Didn't the books come first?

I saw Alex Chilton in about 1986 in a coffeehouse in Charlottesville, VA. Tiny room with almost no riser, so the audience was nearly right up in the band's face. Some girl keeps calling out "Hey, Alex" , wanting to be recognized. Finally Chilton looks over at her and says "Oh, yeah. I remember you. Do you still live

I saw Alex Chilton in about 1986 in a coffeehouse in Charlottesville, VA. Tiny room with almost no riser, so the audience was nearly right up in the band's face. Some girl keeps calling out "Hey, Alex" , wanting to be recognized. Finally Chilton looks over at her and says "Oh, yeah. I remember you. Do you still live

So here's my combo Pere Ubu/Freebird story. Many years ago I saw Pere Ubu at The Cat's Cradle in Chapel Hill. It was a fantastic show and Dave Thomas was in fine form. Later in the show the traditional drunk person starts the traditional call for "Freebird". Dave T stops and glowers out at the audience - all Crocus

So here's my combo Pere Ubu/Freebird story. Many years ago I saw Pere Ubu at The Cat's Cradle in Chapel Hill. It was a fantastic show and Dave Thomas was in fine form. Later in the show the traditional drunk person starts the traditional call for "Freebird". Dave T stops and glowers out at the audience - all Crocus

Yes, it was. I'm really surprised. When I saw the trailer months ago I sort of naturally assumed this would be an utter piece of shit. Now I need to reevaluate why I jumped to such a conclusion. Tangentially, the review was a little confusing. When you use the metaphor of "shell game" and of plot elements piling up

Yes, it was. I'm really surprised. When I saw the trailer months ago I sort of naturally assumed this would be an utter piece of shit. Now I need to reevaluate why I jumped to such a conclusion. Tangentially, the review was a little confusing. When you use the metaphor of "shell game" and of plot elements piling up

"Da Hip Hop Witch"? I hope Eminem brings that up in NA meetings. "I was so fucked up in my judgement that I agreed to be in 'Da Hip Hop Witch', and now that shit is out on the internet haunting me forever"

"Da Hip Hop Witch"? I hope Eminem brings that up in NA meetings. "I was so fucked up in my judgement that I agreed to be in 'Da Hip Hop Witch', and now that shit is out on the internet haunting me forever"

That's a fun idea. It makes me think of "Good Omens", where all the planning of the Satanists goes awry thanks to decent parenting, pleasant suburbs and the banality of goodness.

That's a fun idea. It makes me think of "Good Omens", where all the planning of the Satanists goes awry thanks to decent parenting, pleasant suburbs and the banality of goodness.

I've never seen "Prospero's Books" (I settled on hating Peter Greenaway long ago and refuse to reconsider) but my friend described it as having more naked people than you could imagine there could be in something so boring.

I've never seen "Prospero's Books" (I settled on hating Peter Greenaway long ago and refuse to reconsider) but my friend described it as having more naked people than you could imagine there could be in something so boring.

Oh yes. "Laugh, Love, Fuck" is just a beautiful song. I haven't listened to the Coup in so long. This album is going on my wanted list.

Oh yes. "Laugh, Love, Fuck" is just a beautiful song. I haven't listened to the Coup in so long. This album is going on my wanted list.

I was thinking of sticking a speaker out the window and playing "Hamburger Lady" on repeat for a few hours. Then I get all the candy.

I was thinking of sticking a speaker out the window and playing "Hamburger Lady" on repeat for a few hours. Then I get all the candy.

As a member with the opposing view, I sort of hope there are only two.