undocumented shirker

As a member with the opposing view, I sort of hope there are only two.

I'd include the Cramps in that category, but "The Goo Goo Muck" still belongs on this list.

I'd include the Cramps in that category, but "The Goo Goo Muck" still belongs on this list.

I assumed you meant the Fela song. But that is not about Ireland and also could hardly be overplayed.

I assumed you meant the Fela song. But that is not about Ireland and also could hardly be overplayed.

A screaming comes across the sky. It has happened before, but there is nothing to compare it with now. And yet I still masturbate.

A screaming comes across the sky. It has happened before, but there is nothing to compare it with now. And yet I still masturbate.

Agree! I've been waiting for book two for a couple years. Very frustrating since it ended with so many cliffhangers and dangling threads. I wonder if he gave it up just not to be confused with the porno books.

Agree! I've been waiting for book two for a couple years. Very frustrating since it ended with so many cliffhangers and dangling threads. I wonder if he gave it up just not to be confused with the porno books.

Thanks, LiB, for giving me the opening I needed to discuss Shirley Jackson. So a couple years ago I decided to find out if any written fiction (not comics, not movies) could scare me. So far the project has been a bit of a failure but I can say the most scary book I've found so far is "The Haunting of Hill House" by

Thanks, LiB, for giving me the opening I needed to discuss Shirley Jackson. So a couple years ago I decided to find out if any written fiction (not comics, not movies) could scare me. So far the project has been a bit of a failure but I can say the most scary book I've found so far is "The Haunting of Hill House" by

I tried reading Ligotti in my recent search to find out if there was any fiction that would actually scare me (now, as an adult. Everything scared me when I was a kid). I found him finally disappointing. I think he must be just a little too crazy - most of his stories end up just not making any sense and instead just

I tried reading Ligotti in my recent search to find out if there was any fiction that would actually scare me (now, as an adult. Everything scared me when I was a kid). I found him finally disappointing. I think he must be just a little too crazy - most of his stories end up just not making any sense and instead just

Are you perhaps familiar with this thing called amazon.com? Oh wait, you have a kindle. Dude just order the books. You will be glad you did.

Are you perhaps familiar with this thing called amazon.com? Oh wait, you have a kindle. Dude just order the books. You will be glad you did.

ok I'm going to guess. I guess that when the guys with guns show up that the man in the couple does some sort of cowardly shit either verbally or not that clearly indicates "hey, go ahead and rape the girl or whatever just don't kill me." Then it turns out the gun guys are just normal hunters or anyway have no

ok I'm going to guess. I guess that when the guys with guns show up that the man in the couple does some sort of cowardly shit either verbally or not that clearly indicates "hey, go ahead and rape the girl or whatever just don't kill me." Then it turns out the gun guys are just normal hunters or anyway have no

It sounds like the direct inspiration for Rocky Horror. And Scooby Doo.

It sounds like the direct inspiration for Rocky Horror. And Scooby Doo.

"Gone Dead Train" would have been a better Randy Newman choice, but there are so many RN songs about bad sex you could make a double concept album about them