New Random Username Here

I've always been interested in if there's an element of schadenfreude in reading or watching certain stories. Take, for example, fanfic whump, which is a good example of stories that are purposefully putting characters people love through horrible, horrible things. A lot of people really like those stories and

There are numerous excellent films that don't have much "cultural value" and numerous bad films that do. Trying to define the value of a film from its place in public consciousness is just as silly as trying to define the value of a film from its box office return.

Walking Dead Workers Stage Sitdown Strike

At this point, I'll believe Richard is back on Supernatural only when I actually see Richard back on Supernatural, and even then, it might take a bit of coaxing.

This reminds me of all the Alpha/Omega/Beta themed fanfic that seems to be all the rage in a good number of the show/movie circles I read in (which I just found out got started in the J2 fandom—those crazy kids), which is another thing I've never managed to see the appeal in.

I had a similar reaction because I only caught a brief glimpse of them getting in the car and all I saw was black and chrome, and I couldn't even pay attention to what they were saying because I was ranting about it in my head.

Interesting response, considering a man in Michigan just got "Yooper" accepted into the Merriam-Webster after writing letters to them since 2002. Apparently he got called out out for using it in a game of Scrabble and made it his goal to get the word in the dictionary as a result. Interesting how things like that work.

The Chronicles of Narnia vs. The Dark Tower caused two very different portions of my life to intersect in a way that made me feel slightly uncomfortable.

I enjoyed the program, but I have to say I was a little disappointed. It all seemed almost a little too broad to me. The truly special bits for me were the animation and the artistic features of the program, but I was hoping for a little bit more meat in regards to information. I felt like they touched on a lot of

Not having seen much of the original Cosmos, I'm actually pretty excited for this, but I still feel like putting it on FOX, or any commercial television station as opposed to PBS, is a really strange choice.

I honestly don't know anymore what the writers are attempting to do or going for with the Sam/Dean conflict. If Sam is right for feeling wronged (and he so so very much is) then why is the show so desperate on showing only Dean's POV and completely ignoring Sam's?

Oh gosh, I sat down and watched that whole series in about two or three days a few years ago. I've developed a lot of affection for a lot of new series since then, but nothing has quite matched the sheer adoration I feel for Life on Mars.

That wasn't the first try. I've been watching for about an hour and saw them attempt to beat her two or three times before that, and somebody showed me a screenshot that suggested they'd been trying to beat her for around eight hours before I started watching.

They're the longest surviving recurring characters outside of Sam and Dean (or something to that effect). It's my opinion that they're really only being brought back so they can be killed and that distinction can move on to someone else—so the writers kill whoever that is and just continue on doing that until everyone

In a twist right out of West Side Story, the early-twentysomething is hot for family rival David (see above), but their love is forbidden.

In regards to Gabriel coming back to Supernatural—oh my gosh, if it's never going to happen, stop talking about it. Every time they bring it up I can't help but get excited, and everytime it just ends with them saying there's no plans for him to return. My heart, it can't handle it.

Ghost Bobby was the worst. I liked his character and was upset that they killed him off, but then they dragged his character around for eight episodes until I just wanted him gone. I was actually kind of impressed at how quickly I went from, "No! Not Bobby!" to, "Oh my gosh, can he just be gone now." But that's season

Now playing

This probably only popped into my head because I watched it two days ago to get in the Christmas mood, but I still think its delightfully icky. Nothing says Christmas like having your fingernail slowly pulled out by a pair of pliers!

Excellent choice! FMA is probably my favorite anime despite other series being objectively better. Glad to see someone bring it up despite the fact that this whole thing will quickly descend into the passive-aggressive madness that is Brotherhood vs. First Anime. You truly are a brave soul.

I'd be all for that, but they should give it a couple of episodes and let his death have some actual meaning to the story before bringing him back in a wonderful blaze of advanced placement glory. Of course, asking this show to get any meaning from his death is asking quite a lot.... You know what? I'm gonna agree