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I love Poe. I think Oscar Isaac brought a lot of charm to the role, and I hope to see much more of him.

Don’t mind me. Just checking to see if I’m suddenly in the greys now.

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Oh man, I love the SG-1 openings. The ending walk through the portal shouldn’t be as cool as it is. Also the lyrics that some of the writers came up with are hilarious, and I sing them loudly and off-key whenever I put in some of my old DVDs:

Yeah, GVSU’s art department just removed all pre-requisites for non-majors and has been actively trying to get more people into their classes. That 12 student minimum can be hard to overcome sometimes. Ms. Diley’s probably part of why that class has been consistently offered all these years.

All of those times when O’Brien had to try and puzzle out whether the Kanima needs a friend and what kind of Japanese fox fairy might be putting tattoos on people’s necks, are standing him in good stead here.

As much as I found some of her story lines kind of exhausting, I’m glad she’s making an appearance. It never really made sense (in my mind at least) for her to only interact with 11 (and very briefly 10) based on some of her comments. Maybe I was supposed to just assume that she hung out with various doctors off

Life on Mars (the UK version) was probably the most intense binge watch experience I’ve ever had. Watching all sixteen episodes in about two or three days made the ending more emotionally draining than was probably healthy. I still haven’t fully recovered.

I went into it with fairly low expectations and ended up enjoying it a lot more than I thought I would. O’Brien does well even if his character isn’t that interesting. Poulter and Sangster do really well.

Just got back from this and me and my brother were debating whether or not that Spider-Man nod was added later or not. Funny how that worked out.

Oh, please. That was not whiny. I can come up with a couple justifications for killing Gabriel off and I don’t write for the show. The fact that the head writer can’t even come up with one for Charlie’s death proves how ridiculous it is.

Major props to that woman for that question. I have occasionally dreamed of confronting certain show runners at panels, and it was deeply satisfying to watch somebody actually do it.

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Awww! Reminds me of this moment with Dylan O’Brien from Teen Wolf last year!


Can you visualize celebrity faces?

It looks like they were right up to Thanksgiving, so maybe they didn’t have class that Thursday and Friday. Somebody might have just been trying to get ahead of the game and started to change to December figuring that’s when they’ll be back next, and when they started to change all the dates, they suddenly remembered

I would have loved to see an episode of Teen Wolf entirely from the parents’ pov, especially before the Sheriff knew about the supernatural. Heck, I’d still like one. They need more screen time anyway!

Thank goodness there’s no universal governing body for English. There’s enough people already who think different is the same thing as wrong in regards to English. Having a group that sets out prescriptive rules for an ever changing language would just be a losing cause that furthers the exclusion of people who “don’t

That “awnry” for “ornery” is really interesting. I wouldn’t even think to spell that word with an “a.” I’m guessing it’s the Northern Cities Vowel Shift at work. Very cool!


I was always going to go see this, more for the cast than anything, but this trailer has me way more excited than I anticipated.