
Delaying it further would be a terrible political move for her. The shutdown ended. She basically had no choice. She would have been accused of all kinds of shit if she delayed it further. You sound like a reactionary moron. I think Nancy Pelosi knows how to play politics a little more than you do. She made a fool out

Unless you have a Nielsen box you aren’t affecting any ratings. That being said I’ll hate watch the SOTU and then watch Abrams as a tonic for my soul. 

He meant Maude trade deal. And then there’s Maude!

He most likely agreed to pay for several abortions but then ghosted when it came time to pay up. Trump doesn’t pay anyone. 

Every time I read your moronic posts I can’t help but remember your last moronic post. That was a good day. On a related note, you are stupid and make stupid posts. 

It reads like a freshman english student frantically trying to stretch their 300 word essay to the required 1000 words, and doing it poorly. 

Do you usually comment in support of your own idiotic comments? Because that’s what you’ve done here. 

The best way to determine which Democrat can win would seem to be finding out who wins the primary. Robust contested primaries are a good thing. 

There’s definitely a guy that wipes down the loads, like any decent sauna. 

Someone swapped his steroids for DMT.

So good you can’t eat them. 

I figured he was a shoe in for ambassador to Uzebeki-beki-beki-beki-stan. 

Plus that also gives you unlimited lives, I think. 

The Cardinals have had glimmers of success but to characterize the franchise as anything but a bad team is pretty silly. They’re like top 5 worst teams in NFL history. 

His own teammate Larry Fitzgerald makes the HOF of great players that played with bad teams their whole career. 

I have no idea what ArtPOP is. You are a silly person. 

Are you doubting his street cred?? How dare you!

I couldn’t care less about Lady Gaga. I can name exactly one of her songs. I can name exactly zero Kesha songs. It’s not about defending anyone. I would most likely agree with what you posted. It’s just odd that you’re shoehorning it in to an unrelated article and then getting surprised that no one gives a fuck. You

You probably shouldn’t care. Just don’t expect anyone else to care either. 

Honestly you should probably realize why no one reading this article knows or gives a fuck about what you’re talking about.