I was with you until that last sentence. Sublime is fine. Best band of all time? Not even in the top 100 of the last 30 years.
I was with you until that last sentence. Sublime is fine. Best band of all time? Not even in the top 100 of the last 30 years.
As the father of a soon to be 15 year old boy, I absolutely cannot imagine. It does sound like there is more to this story though. A family member tipped him off? They must have known where he was then. It sounds like something happened between him and his father.
Behold, the Master Race.
Brown people making other brown people is totally unacceptable and unamerican.#MAGA
Nah the right terminology is passengers. No need to get metaphysical about it. She was absolutely amazing and saved their lives. No need to add unnecessary nonsense to the equation.
My drivers license recently expired and I forgot to renew it. I too am undocumented. I can relate to all of this.
I ate at his restaurant in Foxwoods. It was terrible. That is all.
Never go full Gary.
“Media in this country is biased and I am the only source of news that you can trust!!!!!”
For sure it’s completely ridiculous. All this for 5/8 of an ounce of weed.
There isn’t a legal amount of weed to possess in FL.
He looks like the bad guy from the movie Cobra with Sylvester Stallone.
I don’t have a girlfriend, I just have someone that would be very upset if she heard me say that.
Ben is Magic Johnson 2.0
Cohen is the real life Barry Zuckercorn.
All of this is true except for the part where he doesn’t have anyone to tell him what to do anymore. Fox News has taken up this job.
*Russian Banks
“Are you making tapes of a criminal fucking conspiracy??”
This is a HUGE point.
If the allegations against Trump are true, and they seem to be more true with each passing day, he’s a traitor, full stop.