Ronnie Raygun
Ronnie Raygun
IIRC it’s a treaty.
His “Space Force” being a new branch of the military would obviously have to increase defense spending by 20%.
I am the parent of a soon to be 15 year old boy. I’ve never seen him or any of his friends do any of these “next teen craze” thing. Also, my son knows that if he did this shit with his phone, and it broke, he’d be without a phone. I’m not replacing a phone for him if he treats the things he has so recklessly. But…
Republicans resent facts, period.
I used to think this but each new appointment just gets worse and worse. I don’t think there’s a bottom.
“Clearly you are being misleading by saying the taxpayers paid for my yacht, if you knew anything at all you’d know it is a Clipper”
True and the main point is that information extracted from a prisoner using torture is not reliable. Torture someone enough and they’ll tell you anything they think you want to hear whether it’s true or not. If someone was waterboarding me I would confess to the fucking Lincoln assasination to make them stop.
Back in WWII the nazis were bad. Nowadays there are many good people on that side.
Isn’t that exactly what Keenum did to them last year?
Don’t worry, if the Skins are in the NFCCG next year, that means it’s the end of the world anyway, so football won’t matter much.
As an Eagles fan I’m really glad he’s out of the division. He’s killed the Eagles for years. Even in Eagles wins over the Washington team he always seemed to put up huge numbers and frustrate the shit out of our defense. Good riddance.
I think last year Bradford had a Case of losing his starting job to a well performing back-up.
Kevin Kolb made over a hundred million dollars and played far less than Bradford did.
They are quite obviously going to draft a QB. There are a ton of them in this coming draft and they have the 9th(?) overall pick. Bradford is a one-year stop gap. And, if he stays healthy(a huge if), he’s not a bad option. As an Eagles fan, he was serviceable here, although his greatest contribution to the Eagles was…
He’s referring to the fact that the author of this blog post is a Philly guy. The joke doesn’t make much sense, but that is that basis of it as far as I can tell.
Has a whole lot more to do with being the #1 overall pick the last year that rookie salaries were still super high.
Men are not the only ones capable of bad sex. I’ve had plenty of encounters, that for whatever reason, didn’t work well. Sometimes she was awkward, sometimes I was. It just comes down to chemistry. Sometimes everything else can be perfect and two people aren’t compatible. I’ve actually faked a handful of orgasms in my…
It may be the way for you, and if that works for you then that’s great and I applaud you. I just think maybe you should ease up on the whole telling other women what kind of sex lives they should have thing. Society telling women what to do with their bodies is a huge problem in our society.
My wife. My girlfriend. My secretary.