
My kids keep asking me for these things since they play the commercial on Nickelodeon approximately 50 times per hour. I will not buy it for them though, because I don't want them being fat weirdos. Thank you Albert for affirming my parental decisions.

Preposterous! Mayweather has never opened a book, nor could he spell the word green.

So I just live my life and try to stay positive, and try to become a better person each and every day."

So I just live my life and try to stay positive, and try to become a better person each and every day.

that mofoing segway was acting like it saw will smith or smthn, SMH.


Rice already hired new a new lawyer: Dick Weaselberg.

Hey I don't deny it, but surely professional athletes are pretty coordinated.

For a uncoordinated dolt like yourself, yes.

YES! I was thinking the exact same thing! It's the hierarchy of lawyer Jewdom:

NFL front offices: Standard-bearers of truth and accountability.

That can't actually be his attorney right? He looks like a fucking caricature of an attorney! And Diamondstein doesn't even sound like a real name. The name sounds like whoever came up with this character was just going for maximum jewishness. It was going to be Goldstein but they took it a step further. This

Tom just a note: The Facebook post was written by the owner tommy Up, not the manager.

McCoy's comment on Twitter was: It's bullshit man. He hasn't said much else but the Eagles front office said that the service was bad but that they wish he had handled the situation better.

Being an Eagles fan and resident of Philadelphia, I've known he's an asshole for a long time. It's pretty common knowledge that most of us just try to ignore from September through January.

And Goodell seeing the tape and giving Rice a slap on the wrist, knowing that there was a strong likelihood the video would come out is even less consistent with how he operates. If Goodell wanted to sweep it under the rug, he would have suspended Rice for the year. Hell, even just half the year and we wouldn't be

I love Joe Biden but he seriously needs to stop emailing me. I think I get 100 emails a week from him and the rest of the DNC. It's beyond ridiculous at this point, and the unsubscribe button does nothing.

I'm sure your friends are not suffering from crippling alcoholism and drinking massive amounts of booze for days on end for years? That's the difference here. You're right it takes dedication to get to that level and a couple of weekend warriors doing Jager bombs until they puke isn't going to do it.

What some of my friends said after a weekend with a breathalyzer was that in a single night it's hard to get anything over 2,5 permil (0,025 bac). Anything more than that is a constant strive of being wasted.

She is almost certainly a severe alcoholic and the high BAC is probably the result of a several day binge.