Because only pussies play a gay sport like soccer. Real men play baseball and (american)football. /s
Because only pussies play a gay sport like soccer. Real men play baseball and (american)football. /s
Because it reaffirms their ignorant world view.
He should know his interview subject then. She will be playing Varsity Basketball and Varsity Soccer for her high school this coming school year. She wants to focus on basketball in the future as she considers it her #1 sport anyway.
He is a total moron who obviously didn't do his homework. Mo'Ne is going to be playing Varsity Soccer and Varsity Basketball this coming year for her high school when she enters the 8th grade. She is an amazing athlete all around, and at this young age has a bright future of at least her choice of college…
14 year old girls are perpetually in mid scoff! Have you ever met a 14 year old girl, let alone attempted to parent one?
They have 'Sheriff' on the back of their shirts. They aren't some minimum wage security guards, they work for the Sheriff Dept.
I was always a fan the term, cock and balls, but to each his own.
Yeah Jeets!
Ever since he got with her, he hasn't been the same pitcher. Coincidence, I think not.
They didn't lowball Werth, the Nats over paid. If they matched it, Werth's would just be another over inflated contract they'd be trying to get out from under right now. Agreed on Victorino though. Their lack of a farm system is what forced them to re-sign Utley, Rollins, and Ruiz though and that's what's killing…
Agreed, Matt Gelb is a damn fine sportswriter.
A doper? Are you my 75 year old drunk uncle?
The real problem are the people that don't have their preferred form of payment at the ready when the cashier gives them the total. I mean, c'mon lady, you knew you had to fucking pay for this stuff, right? Have your fucking money in your hand when you're asked for it and spare us all what feels like 25 minutes…