
How awkward indeed.

He was also playing that hippity hop loudly on his radio.

I agree with your point but alcohol is a bad substitute for the word weed in this case because alcohol actually IS addictive.

To be fair, he was just throwing it where the umpire told him to.

Great movie! I probably watched it 100 times as a kid.

I couldn't give less of a fuck about your comment history, but this one comment of yours tells me that you can't recognize a joke when you see one. Just lightly trolling on my part, and you proved that you are pretty damn easy to troll. First day on the internet?

Well, yeah that it sort of a stretch isn't it.

I think I'll start my own site dedicated to my indifference to soccer. I'll need to first quit my job and ditch the family, and then I should have the time I need to truly let the world know about my indifference, because I am really indifferent. Like militantly indifferent.

That marks the first time anyone's ever said "Stay hard buddy" to me.

I have actually penned a 64 page manifesto about my indifference to soccer. If you like, I can get a copy in your hands and we can chat about it over a long weekend if you like.

Who in the whole world even cares about soccer? Pretty much no one, that's who.

So, college students acted silly and no one got hurt. Why is this even a story aside from those that wrote it getting to type out all of those ridiculous nicknames? If this kind of stuff was the worst that goes on at our nation's institutes of higher learning, we'd all be in in great shape. I mean, this doesn't

Me too and also with this image to go along with it.