So... basically free to play slowly, or pay to win faster.
So... basically free to play slowly, or pay to win faster.
We tend to be very good in terms of consumer rights, way better than the US at least.
Sometimes I hate my country.
British regulators have ruled that an advertisement calling EA's controversial mobile reboot of Dungeon Keeper…
You guys, I literally think I have a problem.
I know. I know! I'm the worst. I'm a sheep. I'm part of what's wrong with modern American culture. But at least in…
Anyone else want a GTA based in Madrid after to seeing this?
I wish that bomb-making and zip lining made it into future titles. Zip lining especially was such a fun way to get around the city. For a game series that seems to carry over a lot of features from game to game, I never understood why they got rid of those two.
Like you, Stephen, I enjoyed Revelations and its bomb-making aspects quite a bit. I really liked the zip-lining between structures too with Ezio's hookblade.
Here we go again. Another Assassin's Creed that I'm excited about. Why this one? Well, oddly enough, because the…
Every game part of this is at least as good as every game part of every TellTale game ever. Better, in fact. That's really all anyone needs to know about the gameplay.
I've worked in an industry that practices "crunching" and all it is is a sign of bad planning. It creates employee resentment and burnout. The management refuses to hire more employees or create a more realistic timeline, instead requiring employees to work incredibly long hours for ridiculous pay (or in Crytek's…
PC master race, amirite?
When setting up a new PC, it's fun to go back and play older games and see how much better they run on your new…
I looked through the blue states but can't find the state of Denial. Which one is denial that houses the fanboys you seem to be bothered so much by?
o.O. You take this article about Facebook likes serious? Think you should worry for yourself and not "fanboys".
Same can be said the other way around. Do you even remember last gen console wars? It was terrible. Even now the PS4 has no games thing, which didn't hold as much water as it did back then, is still being thrown all around the forums and comments sections of the internet.
This map seems incorrect by color, since the PS4 is outselling the Xbox One almost 2:1 at the moment. I know those numbers are worldwide sales, but last I heard, PS4 was outselling Xbox One in America as well.